Glassing Costs?

What does a glasser get these days for a basic 5’10" fish glass job? Is that better than brushing up on my long-lost glassing skills, getting the glassing 101 DVD, and all the materials?? Talking to a glasser tomorrow but want to know what the going rate is before I meet.



I’d say about 150-175 for a sanded finish. It goes up if you want resin tints, gloss coats, the glasser’s fins/boxes etc.

Yeah same thing here. Around $160-$165 unless there is something special going on like channels, wings, gloss, etc…

Howzit Boondockbill, The glassing 101 video is pretty vague as far as going into detail, especially about lamination. Spend some time with the glasser and ask him about glassing tips and fixes. Take notes if you need to, you’ll learn more from on hands learning then the video could ever teach you. When you actually are ready to laminate your board take your time with the prep and double check yourself before you start. I catch myself some times forgetting to do my relief cuts, but it’s OK since I check before I start. It’s like the old carpenters saying “measure twice, cut once”. Good Luck, aloha, Kokua

Kokua- When you’re talking about forgetting to make relief cuts, are you referring to the nose/tail cuts?

Howzit Boondockbill, Exactly. Aloha, Kokua