Glassing cover imperfections

Was wondering if foam has indentations or holes, mark’s, etc  will glassing and hot coat cover them smooth or will cloth sit down in every spot?  Thanks

Depends how big. The tiny ones no prob, the bigger ones spackle. Steam will often lift out an indent before glassing.

I think the general consensus is that it’s rarely a good idea to rely on the next step to cover up the problems you had with the previous step.   There’s a cliche for this but the exact wording escapes me at the moment.  

But yeah, the lam will conform to low spots and shallow dents, and where it bridges a gap you end up with an airpocket under your lam.  Sanding to get the smooth finish becomes a lot harder and your chances for cutting into the weave increase considerably.  

Better to spend the extra 30 minutes now to get your blank faired out than to try and flatten a lumpy hotcoat.  IMO.  

Perfect thanks

Thanks !