Glassing fins on

Was glassing on quads today and epoxyed them on first, waited for that to set then glased round them. Does anyone know if this is a gd idea or does it mean a weaker joint?





Thanks the hot glue gun to stick them sounds easier than epoxy, first quad iv ever done, they look fine to my eyes but the proofs in the pudding i supose. And no id never thought of using alternate weave but now i know, now ill try. Cheers chief

That’s fine.  You can pretty much use anything to initially hold them down for alignment, I use a hot glue gun.  All of the strength is in the cloth layering, the fillets add nothing.

The Man from Glasgow, Hello. It is perfectly fine as long as the fins are where and how you want them. You are ready for roving and layers of glass. I was taught and still use an inexpensive electric hot melt glue gun to afix the fins before laminating. This is very quick and easy, the glue sets up immediately. Do you alternate weave on successive layers to give bi-axial strength? If not, give it a thought.