Glassing in the cold

I was trying to find some info in the archives but was having some trouble, so maybe you guys could offer some info. I live in N.J. and am looking to glass through out the winter. I have a garage that has a natural gas line going into it, I was checking out space heaters at Home Depot and they have a nice cheap one which could feed off the gas line. I’m gonna be using Simlar with the UV catalyst for the lams and hotcoats. Would this pesent any kind of fire hazard? Any info is oblidged and Happy New Year to everyone.

Dear Alex, potentially the mix of the factors rein-space heater-gas could only mean one thing: disaster! A few considerations before any tip: for any damage you would ever cause by the use of hazardous materials in areas where it is forbidden (check if your garage allows it) you’ll be the only responsible and will have to pay for things and persons…and we’re talking about milions! I don’t wanna be tragical but these are eventualities one has to think about, and often people doesn’t. For the use of the space heater one real safe kind are those with heating panels moving, here they are sold also by chinese electronic shops and are pretty cheap, they can cost more than others but have less consumption and are safer. Put always it far away from the place where you keep the resins. One more thing is to heat resin be4 use, do this by putting it in a bucket and placing the bucket in a larger one filled with hot water an wait a little (before adding catalyst and other stuff). Heating cloth with a hairdryer helps too if temperature is wery coldbut be careful or the mess will be so much you’ll give up the whole. Enjoy

I was trying to find some info in the archives but was having some > trouble, so maybe you guys could offer some info. I live in N.J. and am > looking to glass through out the winter. I have a garage that has a > natural gas line going into it, I was checking out space heaters at Home > Depot and they have a nice cheap one which could feed off the gas line. > I’m gonna be using Simlar with the UV catalyst for the lams and hotcoats. > Would this pesent any kind of fire hazard? Any info is oblidged and Happy > New Year to everyone. As Danny stated you beter be real careful using a space heater in a garage. I live in South Jersey and glass outside. When the tempeture gets below 50 I stop. If I can get a day during winter when it is in the 50’s and sunny I glass outside moving the board around the yard keeping it in the sun and use a lot of catalyst. Good luck, Frank.

How about using UV resin? I lammed some fins yesterday and it was cloudy, foggy and in the mid 50s. Good luck.

Oop’s just re read your post and saw you are using UV. Well good luck any hoo! Scott

I’ve never laminated in a heated building. When it’s really cold…like in the fourties…I’ve wrapped heating pads around a gallon size container of resin till it warms up. Poly or epoxy. If you use UV…it should kick if there is enuff light outside to see your shadow…at least thats what I’ve been told. I used to not start Laminating till the sun was over the top of the building I worked in to warm things up!

Needless to say where I shape. I guess it depends on how low do you want to go. I’ve ruined enough boards glassing in cold temps that I threw in the towel, insulated my glassing room and heated it with a toyo stove (Toyotome $799). Life is good, no worries, except for shoveling snow infront of the shop door. You might want to read the lable on your resin, it will tell you whether or not if the VAPORS are flamable, The people at Fiberglass Supply told me their not. I know the resin itself is highy flameable in the liquid form.

Thanks, Alaska. I remeber reading something you posted a while back on this same subject but couldn’t find it in the archives. Appreciate the info and the encouragement.