glassing over airbrush art

Hi, i just did my first airbrush art job, i used a water based acrylic paint that was pre-thinned. I let the paint dry for a day and then sprayed over it with a thin layer of water thinned clear coat (water based acrylic) which i let dry for a day before glassing with sanding resin. When the resin cured though, some of the glass over the art bubbled up. Im thinking that maybe i missed some spots with the clear coat, or perhaps put too much clear coat on in these spots or didnt let the clear coat dry enough. if anyone could help me out with which would be the best way to avoid this in the future and also which would be the best way to go about fixing the glass job. Im thinking of just sanding out the bubbles very carefully and trying to not to sand the art at all. thanks

What kind of clear coat did you use?Herb

Howzit sangbiel, Are you sure it bubbled or did it crystalize so much that the paint sucked the resin out of the glass, I’ve seen it happen. In fact I had 1 do it just a few weeks ago, so I sliced them open and filled them with resin, operation was a success. Aloha, Kokua

Hi Herb and Kokua, the clear coat i used was called “Badger Imagine Air Clear Coat”. As far as it crystalizing, im not really sure what that would look like as i dont think that ive ever seen it happen before. The glass has been raised up as if there is air trapped underneath. I cut one of them out with a exacto, and the glass is very flexible. Hope this helps, thanks again

It sounds like the clear coat wasn’t very compatible.

Try future next time,or acrylic grout sealer(saw some,looked like it would work too).

always test you products first!Herb

You said you clear coated, then glassed with sanding resin. What did you spray the paint on? If it was on the lam coat, that may have caused a problem. If you sprayed onto the foam, the next thing should be laminating. Can you clarify the process you used with a bit more detail? Doug

Please write more on trying to "fiberglass over " art/paint- SINCE- - -

2 “glassers” in LA said I Can Not glass the following paint combo,despite following the advice,to paint with acrylics& water based tempera,& then cover with “Future” brand acrylic floor polish-

   -a Coors beer board,that was glassed with only 6oz. on the top deck& 4oz only on the bottom,was sanded(a 9' longboard by Estrada board Designs)then <span style="font-weight:bold">painted with the recommended acrylics</span>&Zig Opaque Writer& Tempera water based paint-then<span style="font-weight:bold"> </span>all that<span style="font-weight:bold"> was covered with"Future"acrylic polish</span> 

   The respected Aquatech&also Soul Performance (Marina Del Rey& Hermosa)both said the board can not be fiberglassed,& the board's paint job (which took me4days=12hours total time to do) must be stripped with Lacquer thinner& then the board sanded to allow "glassing"     <span style="font-weight:bold"> is that correct ? ! ? ...</span> 

  -can draw& paint but am confused by the contradictory info from the above, compared to here&the archives      

I know there’s a complex chemical mix; I want to get intricate designs UNDER the FiberGlass, I guess on the board’s bottom-Is this possible?

I've witnessed in person Drew Brophy at ZJ's board house in Sta.Mo,CA paint pen on a glassed board's top deck- then to be "speed coat" covered 

What the heck are the basics?-I know for many posting here,the basics are so dull,the basics may not be listed here

Is the Brophy manner what is done? - No one gets paint UNDER Glass- just Rice Paper Decals only? 

   Steve McC in LA     also at <a href="" class="bb-url"></a>  

         <span style="font-weight:bold">Via this site- is Chat/ICQ/IM possible for real time Dialogue?</span>

Kinda apologise- did not see Herb S &others replies to my post- re:Coors Light board paint/chalk-suggested by a German guy here/in archives

  Don't know computers well enough to understand where/if  replies went up 

Now know 'cause of your replies- Just Coat Paint Job as is- will try to sell Coors the board (Golden Colorado)

   Can intricate painting be done- on the blank or somewhere, under the glassing?  

      Thanks- flopping along learning computers & surf chemicals

hi doug, i am actually making a wooden skimboard, so i did the airbrush on the wood and then put sanding resin on top. I imagine that this would be similar to painting on foam so i did not mention it.

thanks, sangbiel

Sangbiel, Just a thought about your resin bubbling up problem. I did woodworking for a living for 25 years, and a flag went off in my head when you stated that you had painted on wood with water-thinned paint. As you know, wood absorbs moisture. The wood skimboard will suck the water out of the paint you used. Then the paint will have a sealing effect, making it difficult for the moisture to escape. Some residual moisture may have caused the resin to bubble.

You might consider using solvent-based paints and marine varnish as a finish. Doug

Hi again Doug, what you said makes sense. From that, i would think that putting down a layer of glass and then painting would make for better results?


Sangbiel, Why don’t you try some experiments on wood scraps to see what works. Try solvent-based paint on wood, then polyester resin. Try water-based acrylic thinned with Future Floor Finish, then resin. Try sealing the wood first with Clear Krylon, then paint, then glass. You’re the boss. Try everything until you find the thing that works. Also there are some very durable two part floor finishes that might work instead of glass. Doug

Howzit Doug, Trapped moisture under paint is what causes crystallization when the heat from the kicking resin sucks the moisture to the surface. Aloha, Kokua