What do you guys use to catch the resin run off? I saw this from the “new shaping bay” thread thanks to woody1962. I’ve also seen plastic trays to catch the run off but I’m not sure where they come from (or if they’re custom made). I glass in my garage and usually just tape trash bags on the floor but was interested in some alternatives. Thanks!
I have been usings blue/brown poly tarps taped down on top of the concrete floor, sometimes with a layer of brown paper over that to catch laminating runoff.
If I had more space I would do a drip tray like the picture, right now I am glassing a 8’ board in a 5’ x 10’ space that I can heat to a good working temp.
When I worked at Brewer, we had trays with holes cut in them.
Directly below them was an empty 5 Gal, bucket partially filled with water.
The excess resin drained into the buckets and kicked in the water.
No fumes.
Never really liked the trays. Limited my movement, and constantly ran into them.
To this day, I dump all excess resin in buckets discribed above.
Barry- that is a great idea- I am gonna see if I can get something like that going.
I currently have my floors covered with tar paper which works great but still has a lot of fumes which I am not a big fan of.
Plastic drop cloth over a PVC frame like above with a stategic hole or two punched in it will allow excess resin to drain into pots similar to what Barry described. Excess UV can be saved and re-used. I just let catalyzed Poly drain off onto the floor. Red Rosin paper is best to cover the floor. Taped down. Building paper or Felt is impregnated with asphalt and will stain concrete floor if solvents drain onto it. L
After you’ve glassed a few, you’ll know how much resin the job will take, nearly to a couple ounces. So don’t just dump it on and squeegee it off, depending on the flood to wet the lap. I waste a cup or less on a full 9’6" single six lamination. If catalyzing, I use a marked cup so I know just how much resin I’m working with, then it can put just the right amount of catalyst in with a syringe. Makes for accurate, repeatable kick with minimal waste. UV cure can be treasured similarly particularly if it’s tinted or pigmented. If it’s clear, only pour from the can what you need. It irks my frugal nature to see the waste some “pro” laminators let drain off. If your measurement is good and there’s little waste, a few sheets of cardboard on the garage floor is all you’ll ever need.
Somewhat related, I’ve got a pretty good buildup of cured resin on my concrete floor (epoxy and poly). Is there a good way to remove it? Sledgehammer?
Get a “Floor Scraper”. The one I used was about 4’ long and it had a carbide blade. You can break up some of the big sections with vertical chopping and then you run the blade along the floor and chisel under the built up resin. Use saftey glasses as you will have hard stuff flying everywhere! If its not too bad you can use the scraper attachment on a Multi-Tool such as Fein, Dremel etc.
Thanks Dave D. Do you think one of these harbor freight scrapers will do the trick:
That should work if it’s sturdy.