Glassing question...

I find a good way to learn glassing is to have two mixes. One super slow mix so you can get everything wet out without stressing and then before tucking the laps pour another hotter mix over the top and squegee out to the rails and down the lap


Sounds like a big waste of resin, to me. If you do your mix for the ambient temp in the workspace, the batch should kick in a time frame that works. Since rails are done last, by the time you get to them things should be closer to the gel state and the glass should stay put. If you did a slow batch and the resin takes a bit longer, so be it. Why be impatient? Better to get things right and save resin. The stuff ain’t cheap, and you’re just making more unnecessary work.


Sure. But it will take more work to get what you need. Cut a square patch of cloth that will be about 2 or 3 inches bigger than the fin base. Then, you have to pull the individual strands of glass out, one by one. Stack them together and you have DIY rope.

I usually just get some heavier cloth in a small amount from a boat yard shop or auto supply store, like those small packages of cloth they sell which are usually 8 or 10 oz.

Zack - I’ll try that ! Thanks for the tips. I also need to prob tape + mask w painters paper as this resin gets everywhere ! How soon can I cut the laps at the tape lines? Is 2" inbooard ok? I dunno the rules? And if I have lumps how soon can I sand it. What grit is best? This info would help as I was scrambling w out answers last time around… I really should get more information, practice etc…watch vids to. Maybe even get a job glassing??? Thanks and HAPPY SHAPING !


No set time on that. You have to wait until the resin gels just hard enough. It’s one of those things that comes with practice.

Cut too soon, and the glass will pull and make a mess. Wait too long, and the resin will be hard and more resistant to cutting. You can do a test cut on the extra glass that will be cut away.

It should be good and stiff, but not rock hard. In other words, don’t wait until the next day to cut it. Also, make sure you use a good sharp razor blade. Brand new, like.

Cut laps—Cut the lap  when you feel it’s safe to flip the board.  Flip the board with wax paper on your hands.  You will know when its ready.  There is no set time.


yup ! I think I’ll try ten times harder and prep waaay more! This shapin and glassing ain’t easy. But it does get easier each time.but it’s not easy.I’ll do my best on it.thanks -Jim

Wax paper HUH? I can do that. I’ll remember to pick sum up.ty

The “Animal” my pp/planer is on the ready. I just figured out how to fiddle w settings, so I can shape safely while learning zee ropes!? Then off to resin swirls !!!


That “Is” the highest plus I’ve given so far this yr ! Thanks MUCH. SammyA - I jotted everything you said, and that of others that where within perimeters of a tough/light glass job. It’s VERY possible I owned a board that only had a few minor pressure dings after two yrs of brutal use by myself. Getting the glass job would definitely make my year:l

Gentlemen, gentlemen, GENTLEMEN ! I just found a stack of 1x2s do they use these for glassing? If so, I can scavenge six of them !

I just jotted this down -thank you ! The weather here in Monterey bay’s was warm today so this info will help. Thanks.

Any types of sanding procedure I should follow? And what grits and steps I should follow? T I a

Or, try this:

Sam - those links might need updatin - they’re dead. But thanks anyways. I think I found a vid that told me what I was concerned with.

Time to shape !