glassing the deck

Hi, I’m wondering if there are any special concerns I should have about the amount of time between laminating the topsheets and the bottom sheet. I’m finishing off a board that had the bottom sheets done about 8 months ago. Besides making sure there is no dust on the deck, is there anything else to watch out for?


no not really i would though if there are lumps where the cloth wraps over on to the deck , using a 1 " brush - and a little resin ( with styrene + cat in make it easy to sand) brush onto 1 " over existing cloth all way round and 1 - 2 " onto the bare foam , make sure there are no drips limps left - leave to dry this enables you to sand , any lumps out where there might be - the resin on the deck helps protect when you do this

polyester laminating resin was used for first layer, right? No problem.

Epoxy is a different story.

No problem with adding a lamination except if there was any form of contamination that could have gotten on the previous surface this could cause problems: Motor oil, wax, Sunscreen lotion etc. All these could leave fish eyes or possible delam areas. You might want to go over the blank with a light screen, and hit the old glass job with a slightly acetone soaked rag.

On a slightly bigger concern you might want to look at the shape to make sure it hasn’t gone through some warping and twisting. Depending on where you live, keeping a blank half laminated is a good invitation to do the twist. Best case sitting around shrinking has draws some of the rocker out of the blank, thats if you glassed the bottom first. Its always a good idea to do all the lamination with in a few hours. Try to set aside the time so you can get it laminated and hot coated within 48 hours. After that you can let it sit for years before you sand it.

Use UV dust and finish the whole thing this weekend.

Thanks to everybody for the good advice! I’m super swamped with school right now but a weekend glassing job might be just the procrastination excuse I need. One question, what is UV dust?

Thanks again

It’s a UV catalyst additive, takes the place of MPK liquid catalyst. You mix it in a gallon on resin and it kicks off in the sunlight. If you glass in a closed garage with no windows, you can work the resin all day. Take that same board outside and once your done, and it will kick off rock hard in 2 minitues. And it’s clear too. You can easily glass, hot coat and sand a board in one day.

The only thing it’s not so good at is dark colors of full opaque colors, the uv can’t filter through the dark color.