glassing this time of year

Morass Glass.

Morass Glass. could you elaborate on that,Por Favor

Howzit Herb, Just curious as to where in the desert are you. I own some > businesses with my brother in L.H.C.,Az. and it gets up to 125 degrees > there in the summer.That kind of heat just sucks the energy right out of > you and I can’t imagine doing boards under those conditions. I’ve done > some boat repair there but working with marine resin is different. Like > the Jungle thing, just might change name to Jungle Fiberglass. Aloha from > the Jungle, Kokua …I live on a canyon rim that leads from the great death valley into the O.C/L.A. basin.This pass is one of the only significant large passes that connects the two for 50+ miles either way. …Today it’s already 90 degrees @10am and 20 to 40 mph winds coming out of the desert…in November no less.It gets well over 100 in the summer,like 120,and the nights in the summer… a cool 95 @ midnight.Herb

Howzit Rob, I’m not Dissing on you, after all you are a fellow vet > glasser. Farting blanks also cause pin air also. I actually started doing > sweetcoat on the lap to avoid hitting the weave,it worked, then tried it > on the rails for the same reason and it made a big difference the natural > progression took it to doing the bottom. I’m sure you’ve seen some boards > where there’s weave showing on the rails and bottom. Some of the worst > ones I’ve seen were on very popular name brand boards. I just don’t think > a quality high priced board should have this flaw.I also don’t believe in > spraying a coat of lacquar on the board to hide it, but a lot of factories > do just that. On boards that get a G/P sweetcoats aren’t necessary and I > don’t do them. I was against UV resin at first because I figured it would > take the timing mystique out of lamming and any kook would be able to > glass. But the first time I used it and took the board outside, it kicked > off hard before I even got it to rack outside. Then poured the leftover > resin back into the drum I knew there was a plus to the stuff,saving > money. Have you tried it yet, it doesn’t care how cold it is outside as > long as the sun is out. Now if it would kick in the rain ( we do get a > little) it would be perfect. Now I’m setting up my paint room to double as > a UV curing room. Let the monsoons come cause they won’t stop me anymore. > Aloha from the jungle (83 degrees today), Kokua Hey Kokua…you and Rob know your stuff, keep it up I really enjoy the input.Talk about adverse conditions I read somewhere that there was an Aussie that traveled around with a rolling factory in the back of a truck.I just had to tell ya that I have a glassing room with central temp control and a hydraulic stand that I can elevate with a pedal. Well I am thinking that I’m pretty cool…next thing a batch went off on me and I knocked the board off the stand in my frenzy.Guess that proves something. R. Brucker

Hey Kokua…you and Rob know your stuff, keep it up I really enjoy the > input.Talk about adverse conditions I read somewhere that there was an > Aussie that traveled around with a rolling factory in the back of a > truck.I just had to tell ya that I have a glassing room with central temp > control and a hydraulic stand that I can elevate with a pedal. Well I am > thinking that I’m pretty cool…next thing a batch went off on me and I > knocked the board off the stand in my frenzy.Guess that proves something. > R. Brucker Howzit Cleanlines, sorry about board, sounds like you’ve got a really nice lam pit,especially the stand. I’ve got to shut down for a few days and do some clean up in my area. The resin mound ( haven’t cleaned for over a year) around the racks is so big I need to lam by remote control. I read that story about the nomad glasser.Aloha, Kokua

I’ve been kicking around a buisness name cause I got a couple of people wanting me to glass for them. a morass is a swamp/marsh but noone seems to know that and thinks I just being lude so maybe Swamp Glass, although more ass would be nice.

Kokua You want hot? In 82 i think it was i went back to hawaii to run > Craigs factory ( town and country ) in the Pearl City ind. park … I > remember it being like 90 something outside inside was “HOT” > fans going moving air but thats it. We worked at night alot…>>> I have thought about using uv a few guys in oregon use it. I just don’t > waste that much to save money when you pay that much more… I do like the > idea of shape in the morning surf after lunch… That would be the only > thing that would make it worth it. The yellowing i saw was on so so thick > glass jobs… what uv resin do you use??>>> I just wish i had a heated sanding room… It’s getting cold outside now… > the Bears won’t even come out it’s so cold.>>> R&D time it’s sunday!! …Rob Howzit Rob, Fiberglass Hawaii blends their own UV resin using Silmar resin. As for the price it’s about $ 2.00 more per gal. Aloha. Kokua