Glassing thread, with lots of difficulty ;-)

Mark, I like your build a lot. Very cleverly done.
The however part:
However, I wonder whether the yarns will cut into the board when it bends? I see there is non-woven veil underneath, but wondering if that is enough?

I’m tempted to try your build myself on the next one. That’s a compliment. Keep us posted with a ride report.

"…an,…you keep thinkin, george, that’s what you’re good at. " J Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men.

all the best. sincerely.

My oldest with this build is 3 years old. No delamination, no dings. Its proven IMHO.

I’m reviewing the archives for info on Twaron. Where are you sourcing? thx

I got a bunch free from a parachute cord manufacturer. Pm me your address.

I looked and looked and couldn’t find where it was broken. Was ready to post what a fantastic job you did on piecing it back together! HAHA - heaps of credit anyway on pushing the envelope on new material tech.

Fins getting set. Note the tile wedges?

Stupid phone camera

Footballs. Yes, I know they are usually done at the same time as the glassing.

But I don’t use fiberglass; more about that later.

For the guys watching weight, here are the details to this point.

7’-8" x 20 7/8 x 2 3/4" us blanks blue. Skinned with 2 oz cerex, both sides. Twaron and micro balloons both sides. FCS fusion fin boxes.

7 pounds, 4 ounces s far

What are the bottom contours?

Flat entry, to about 3/16 concave, to a spiral vee out the tail. The rocker was pretty close to the EA blank. The blank had a bit more nose flip, than smooth rocker so I smoothed that out. Also the Blank had a bit flatter section in the middle, and I wanted a bit more curve there.

Its a step up, for a big guy, where the blank is more of a semi-gun for a smaller guy.

Rocker stick

Who needs rice paper?

Wet out table. Pour the epoxy onto half. Then fold over, and squeegee.

Lay the wet cloth onto the board, and into the bag.

I didn’t quite follow what just happened with the logo there,
but feel I should learn that.

Beautiful work. love the approach.

Jumping ahead i would like your guidance on avoiding fabric wrinkles along the rails out of the bag…(assuming that you did)

Silk Screen! Brilliant. What’s the material?

Because I was using a tight woven fabric, I silk screened right onto the cloth.

Wrinkle free is a matter of covering the cloth with plastic sheeting. Poke some holes in it, then pull tight with tape. Put the breather over it. When the bag is 3/4 pulled , pull out the wrinkles.

You can also use a peel ply/breather, but that stuff is expensive.


Nylon, from a flag maker

Out of the bag. Bottom done. The weight is 7 pounds 15 ounces. So the wet out table bag method is 10 ounces per layer of 4 oz