Glassing time at a pro shop...

I was wondering, of those of you who send your shapes out to be glassed, what is the average turn-around-time that you recieve on non-rush jobs? Is it 4,5, or 6 weeks to have a board painted and glassed to your specifications? I usually tell my customers that it’ll take 4-5 weeks after I drop the board off at the glassers.

I know in Oregon most Glassing Shops will take only week.>>> I was wondering, of those of you who send your shapes out to be glassed, > what is the average turn-around-time that you recieve on non-rush jobs? Is > it 4,5, or 6 weeks to have a board painted and glassed to your > specifications? I usually tell my customers that it’ll take 4-5 weeks > after I drop the board off at the glassers.

my current glasser takes about a week too. that doesn’t include color. anything over 3 weeks for me would be unacceptable.

I forgot to mention that I’m in Orange County, southern California. Also I’m not one of the glasser’s “big clients”.>>> I was wondering, of those of you who send your shapes out to be glassed, > what is the average turn-around-time that you recieve on non-rush jobs? Is > it 4,5, or 6 weeks to have a board painted and glassed to your > specifications? I usually tell my customers that it’ll take 4-5 weeks > after I drop the board off at the glassers.