
Today I received my set of blanks to try shaping for the first time. I figure what the heck. I’m really looking forward to it. However, I am looking for info on glassing. I realize that it is definitely an art and takes practice. What I need to know is the different stages. Laminating, hotcoat, sanding, etc. What are the basics and where can I get more info(websites, books, etc.). If any body could me just the basic idea, that would be great. Jaycee

I 'm a rookie shaper like you. Shaping the blanks is a lot of fun, and you can correct errors scraping more foam. Your first results may differ from what you planned to obtain, but are surfboards anyway! Something harder you will find with glassing, which doesn’t forgive a lot: if you do it wrong you’ve lost your blank and, plus you have about 10-15 minutes to complete the whole thing! For great and precious suggestions buy directly the tapes SHAPING 101 and GLASSING 101 by JC, listen to his precious tips and watch them before and after working on every single process, more old school but effective descriptions you’ll find in the Complete Guide for Coaches by Bruce Gabrielson at URL Have fun and don’t give up.NEVER

i’m anything but an expert glasser but each board i do definitely gets better. i think it is a very cumulative process and no matter how hard you try don’t expect perfect results on your first go. there are just too many unknown variables if you’ve never done it. it is best to just look forward to using what you learned to make the next one better. anyway i found GLASSING 101 to be a super valuable resource. it helps so much to see someone actually doing it. also read any descriptions you can get your hands on.

I’m not a “pro” but I have glassed a number of boards. My one tip would be to use uv cure resin when laminating. It will increase the amount of time you have to work the rail laps. Once you have the process down you will be able to work with any type of resin with confidence. Good luck.

Today I received my set of blanks to try shaping for the first time. I > figure what the heck. I’m really looking forward to it. However, I am > looking for info on glassing. I realize that it is definitely an art and > takes practice. What I need to know is the different stages. Laminating, > hotcoat, sanding, etc. What are the basics and where can I get more > info(websites, books, etc.). If any body could me just the basic idea, > that would be great.>>> Jaycee Get your hands on a copy of Glassing 101! Glassing is tough, but you will get consistently better. Good Luck! Also, the uv resin is the way to go, till you get your feel. I just glassed my 10th board and went to a MEKP catalyst for the first time. I definelty puts you working under a time frame, but I think the board sands out to a better finish. That is just my opinion.

i found a useful book called SURFBOARD. i believe it’s by Stephen M. Shaw. it goes thru everything from shaping to glassing and sanding and glossing, everything you need to know.

Amen to that, steve!..You listening, jaycee?! This used to be called the surfboard builder’s yearbook…way back when! There have been 3 or more incarnations of this book(let). Each has provided me with the best information over the years. The first version was back in either '63 or '64, and it is fantastic to see the development and changes of boards over the years (while the “chemistry” and construction end has remained pretty much the same{for handmades}). I found a reprint of the earliest version - through the LIBRARY! - (molding away in the archives) - I’d lost my personal copy decades ago. Try to access these! Of course, carl ackerman and john carper’s glassing 101 video is really helpful (they kind of rushed this vid, though…not as good as their shaping video). Good luck, and keep your eyes open! aloha, tom. P.S. - best way to REALLY learn…WATCH someone who’s VERY proficient, and try to get it as close as possible - on your own.(with your glass “angel” looking over your shoulder!)

yeah, that book Surfboard is the greatest. i got mine about 8 months ago at Foam EZ in westminster, ca. you can probably order one from their site if not, im pretty sure that barnes and nobles or some other book store can special order it for you good luck -steve