Gliding Longboard Design - what do you think?

Thanks andyl1. Much food for thought here. I realise that I have so much to learn about board design. My fixation with flat bottoms comes from my current fixation with the apparent simplicity of the Simmons.

As for the 10" Bic well I plan to use mine in the morning.

I have a friend who has just bought an 11' Munoz soft top surftech. After years of making is own 11' logs weighing 40 - 50lbs he starting to rethink..

Going to sleep on all this

Question - does a completely flat bottom create suction which can be reduced / released through the use of a concave out the back as is used sometimes with the mini simmons?

Board making in progress. These guys were insistent that they keep their first boards as simple as possible so they basically cleaned up the blanks. The approx. dims now are:

Length 10’2"

Nose 18"

Width 26"

Tail 21"

Thickness 3.25"

Blanks have had epoxy lam 6 on bottom double 6 on deck, filler coats both sides so far. Fin boxes and leash plugs next on the list.

Bottom completely flat. No roll, no vee, no channel, no nothing. They accept that these are straight line tankers that will not fit under the arm. 

The biggest challenge was keeping the old farm uninsulated workshop at min. 25 degrees C with the aid of a wood stove and numerous electric heaters for the sake of the epoxy.