Glitter (no not Gary)

Hi all

Has anyone ever put glitter (like what they use on some greeting cards) on their board before glassing. If so what did it look like, where there any problems/long term effects.



i saw a board that had glitter in the hotcoat (or sprinkled over the lam before the hotcoat). it didn’t look bad…but it wasn’t really my style. sell some sort of sparkle paint like they use on guitars

Made 2, glitter under lam only.

Looked muted, but did look like glitter/clutter in bright light or sunshine.

Not sure if it works over lam, as hot doesn’t cover weave completely, and you’d sand off some of the glitter.

Even tried one metallic, which would have been great fish lure, but I was surfing mostly cloudy summer days in the RedTriangle.

My mom’s actually got a walden with glitter in it. Pretty slick looking I must say. Not sure if I would ever glitter my board, but the girls really seem to love it.

No glitter for me either. It takes away from my signature hot pink roxy logo.

I’m planning on using it sparingly under the lam to accentuate some images. Using epoxy. I thought I might as well give it a go since I have the opportunity.

Highlighting the fish so it won’t be too over the top.


I’ve been experimenting with Magic Dust (glitter).

It’s hard to get it even. I bought some different types from the craft store and tried it on some sample chunks of foam. I haven’t learned to post pictures yet… Sprinkled the rails on a board that I glassed for my daughter ,looks pretty good ,just did another board with some glitter and I’m happy with it.

You can mix it in with the surface resin (hot coat) if you are planning to gloss coat but some will get sanded out.

I’ve found that it works best if I sprinkle the glitter over the laminating resin before it cures. The problem is when you Hot Coat some of the glitter will travel along with the paint brush and in up in other unplanned areas.

Have fun!


You mean metal flakes ?

Here’s what I found on Tyler’s web site:

Thanks for that Sting, Pierre.

I’m going to put down a very thin layer/wipe of aquadhere on the parts I want the flakes to stick to, let it dry and blow off what doesn’t stick with compressed air.

I’m doing this in 2 days so I’ll let you know how it went.



makes for a board that looks like a fishing lure, and what do you catch with a 9 foot fishing lure. but no one is gonna reel it in.

That just means that I have to wear a 1000 foot legrope.

Geez I crack myself up!!!



First I make kite boards not surfboards however the basic methods remain the same.I have been using glitter dust extensively. As you correctly point out the best way to apply the glitter dust is when you apply the fill coat(hotcoat). I prefer to mix the glitter into the epoxy resin/hardner solution. You should add more then you would think necessary as the glitter falkes tends to spread out. It usually takes me two(2) coats of epoxy/hardner/glitter solution to fill in the board but I found the glitter actually helps stabilize the fill coat on a surface preventing it from running making the second coat sometimes almost unnecessary. I think sand the hotcoat and spray on the gloss coat with an airless spray gun.

     Sometimes I paint the board before applying the hotcoat and gloss coat. I am thinking of sprinkling glitter dust on the wet paint and letting it dry in place.

so …are you back in PERTH now, mate ?

I want to know about how the Auslocks board went on the east coast …




p.s. - Hicksy, there’s swell on the way …I hope you get a surf this weekend !

Here in the States metalflake glitter was once commonly used on fiberglass boats, so there have to be established techniques, at least for PU resin. Looked like hell whan the pigment they used in the 'glass began to fade…


Here you go Hicksy…

From the website.

GLITTER - 7/16/2005


This is a custom surfboard by Fred Barker for WRV.

It’s hard to see in this picture but this surfboard has glitter in the lamination.

I would feel like a giant fishing lure paddling this surfboard around.

In my opinion Silver Texalium has alot of “glitter” so does Paua shell


Hi all

“Has anyone ever put glitter (like what they use on some greeting cards) on their board before glassing ?”


…isn’t that what you did on the ‘hixell’ , Grant ?

or was it in the lam coat ? I forget …

I put the glitter on after wetting out the lam coat, if you start working it too hard you end up with glitter in places you didn’t want it to go.

Use a salt shaker to spread it evenly around then gloss coat to make it all look deeper…

Ok—Here is what I have done in the past. If you are doing a painted blank you can put it in the Lam. The trick is using alot more glitter than your best judgement will tell you( four or five times as much as you would think), You can’t over-do it. If you under-do it, it will give you a “salt and pepper” effect. Just a bunch of little flecks that don’t “reflect” and therefore do not give off the desired glitter effect. Pour off enough lam resin(enough for two sides and stir in “bucou” glitter), spilt the resin for top and bottom. Catalyze and lay-up both sides. If you mis-claculated and don’t feel that you got enough glitter in the lam you can also add glitter to you hotcoat. You will be suprised to find that sanding doesn’t get rid of that much ot it. As far as putting glitter on artwork; I would suggest that your artwork be done on the blank(foam) and NOT at the hotcoat stage. You can dust glitter over wet paint as you are doing the artwork. The other alternative is to tape-off adjacent areas surrouding the desired glitter area and spray on the glitter. It can be mixed into a solution using waterbased clear coat and then sprayed over the desired area. Afterwords; glass with clear lam as the usual. By the way; I have used the glitter that Fiberglas Hawaii sells, but found it to be pricey and because the granules are fairly fine you do not get as much mileage out of each pack as one might desire. The courser silver glitter sold at hobby shops like Ben Franklin works better for me. You get alot more per package, it’s cheaper and you therefore don’t feel too bad about using more. Using more than you would think is the key to a nice even glitter job, McDing

   Our interests are in making kit boards for use in onshore to cross onshore conditions. For reference see our posting Gloss Coats - Twin-Tip Wave Boards(Wave Twins)

   We have put glitter under glass, between glass, and on top of glass. We prefer adding the glitter on the glass then cover with the sealent coat and gloss coat as this reduces sanding. As you will see in the above referenced posting we have stopped using much glass on kite boards as we can duplicate the strength using spayed epoxy on wood and we have added glitter here as well. WE suggest a very very  thin layer of Epoxy thinned with normal thinner be applied first then add the glitter then cover after it has dried. As again we do not use glass we spary thinned epoxy directly onto the wood and glitter.

     As we are an independent non-profit research group called "Light and Frost" with a very little outside contact with other groups both commericial and non-commericial, the following may have been covered elsewhere. However we wish to note that you can apply any picture printed with a computer color printer directly onto the board. As kite boards have alot of flat surface we print the decal on 255 GSM Glossy injet paper and cut it out. As we do not use glass on the surface of the board we place tape in a square outside the edges of the decal, then using a brush we cover the area with West System Epoxy 105/209. We then cover the picture with one layer of glass and glass the picture onto the board.  West System Epoxy doesnot damage the picture and the glass allows for sanding over the picture.. Once dry we seal the glassed area, wet sand 80g/350g/1000g and spray with thinned epoxy. We sand again and spray another layer and it provides a clear glass like surface over the picture. Again we are not making traditional surfboards hence our kiteboard making procedures are different from traditional methods. But this general approach could be used on surfboards as well.

Light and Frost