Gloss Coat alternative

Just want to add a thin layer of gloss for that extra protection. So would I be able to do this with Sanding poly resin? Or does it HAVE to be the gloss resin?

Laminating resin=air inhibited polyester resin, cures a bit tacky to allow next layer to stick.

Sanding resin=same as lam resin but has wax surfacing agent added to seal off air to allow harder cure so it can be sanded with less gumming of paper

Gloss resin=like sanding resin but with a little extra styrene for ‘flow’

There are also ready-made gloss resins that are not just doped laminating resins.

There is a recipe for gloss resin out on Sway’s somewhere under Kokua (RIP) get the flavor here:


So would there be an issue with doing a thin layer of sanding resin to give it a gloss look?

As a coating it will work but there will be wax and streaks once it cures. It won’t look ‘glossy’ until it is sanded and polished.

Epoxy is my jam, hopefully some of the others can talk you through polyester glossing and sanding better.

Do an extra hotcoat, fine sand and polish. 

Nothing “wrong” with it. 

its not as hard of a finished resin as proper gloss and it doesn’t flow out or polish as nice but it’s not a bad finish. 

Add a little extra surfacing agent and kick it Hot and you will probably be quite happy with your results. 

that said, if you got easy access a $20 can of gloss resin will give a better result and will be plenty to do a board with  

Either way you still gotta sand and polish it if you want a gloss sheen

I might add that ‘real’ gloss resin has UV inhibitors that sanding resin lacks.  It will serve to keep your board whiter longer.

Where’s McDing with his tile sealer/concrete sealer recommendation?

That works and is easily found in the archives.  But;  It is not resin and does not finish in a gloss.  For a gloss finish the above recommendations will do.  If you are going to do a true “Old School” Gloss and Polish;  I recommend Reichold Gloss resin doctored up as per Kokua’s formula.  Wet sand thru the grits and polish with #2 Polish.  Otherwise spray automotive clear coat as per “resinhead”.

…hello, if you dig in the archives I put all the steps and the way you would do the hotcoat sanding for all the differents finishes.

Is not the same to sand for a gloss coat than sand for an speed finish.

Best speed finish is automotive clear based. Also the best is elastic and for plastics.

So I mentioned the gloss coat with gloss resin, the gloss coat without gloss resin, the sanded gloss coat (that is what most of the HP boards have), the speed finish and the sanded hot coat.


-Is NOT good to add styrene to the hot coat resin, the probability to finish with an uncured gloss coat is very high if you do not have the right environment conditions.

In this way you are lowering the wax/resin ratio.