Gloss Coat: How much resin?

Apologies if this question has already been answered somewhere else. I’ve had a good trawl though the archives and although I now have agood grasp of gloss-coating techniques I can’t seem to find the answer to this particular question.  I was just wondering how much resin a skilled gloss-coater would usually use per side? Up until now I’ve used a clear satin spray can to finish my boards. This works well. In the past there was one really good product for sale here that was pretty much the only one that really works for this. They don’t sell it here anymore hence my desire to give gloss-coating a crack!

Any assistence would be much appreciated.


Print it out ,tape to wall, save some supplies


…seems that Davesky (paddleboards!!¿?) does a bit of dry laminations and try to solve that bad job with too much resin on the hot coat and gloss…

I never saw these vessels in 5 2, 6 2 or like that range, and sometimes they use only epoxy resins, so how they know about the right amounts?

I strain poly gloss resin through a cone strainer. One strainer full will do the average short board. Better to much than to little. I only use Reichold gloss resin.

Have glossed thousands of boards with great results.


I know nothing about epoxy.

That’s a great chart, thanks. Do you know what units of measurement they’re using? 

Thanks for the info Cleanlines. I read some of your other posts regarding gloss coating that are in ther archives. Very helpful. Much appreciated. 

It’s in ounces, or at least that what I’ve been doing. Seems to be on point with resin research epoxy .I go on the lighter side recommended for fill/hot coats.

Richold resin.     Paint strainers.     Badger hair brush, perhaps?      The right tools, in experienced hands.       Does it get any better?        I think not.

A good brush is important. Sad thing is actetone prices are so high. It takes a lot of acetone to clean a brush (three was system) so many folks use throw aways.

I got lucky…was at the Sherman William COMMERCIAL store (there is a difference) and they sell a lot of epoxy paints. I found brushes of superb quality for $5 a pop. The guys using commercial eopxy paint by them by the case and throw them away. The guy at the store old me they were acttually Purdy brushes with the Sherman WIlliams logo.

I love these brushes and if I am going to gloss a board I buy one for each side. To me $5 aint much to get a perfect gloss.

Too many home builders are cheapskates (or broke) and buy shit tools.

I set up a small Tub of acetone to clean my dirty brush and them it sleeps in a bath of fresh acetone in a snap seal Tupperware container until it needs to be used aging. I only use my gloss brush for gloss. 

 acetone…nasty stuff…combine it with resin or nail polish and you get all kinds of health problems. Latex or Nitril gloves do not block acetone from your hands. Dust masks do not block acetone from your lungs. Major health issues in the Nail Solon business due to acetone. Same with surfers.

I’m no angel. I’ve been exposed to all kinds of nasty chemicals. I switched to epoxy resin. No acetone in my shop. Gloss work not so great. You are killing yourself cleaning paint brushes with acetone…gloss job does not make board ride better.