Gloss Disaster



Well, I did a succesful glass job and I was cooking. Sanded back, one minor burn through (no issues). So, decided a gloss coat would look nice with the red and black pigment as they were a bit dull. 

Got my UV resin out added 5% styrene. Took it outside to bake and the weather turned bad (I live in Melbourne, if anyone knows Melbourne they would understand) temps dropped, rain occured and something happened a tacky uneven gloss coat. 

So, i went to the bible (swaylocks) a few people have had the problem before, so I tried wax paper, acetone and finally had to sand it back due to the uneveness of the gloss coat. I started at 120 and this was a nightmare all the way to 400, the sand paper was getting clogged with the tackiness. So, i was chewing throught the pads and I just couldn’t get it flush. 

Normally sanding on a filler coat is a breeze, this was extremely painful and caused further unenveness. Below is a picture of what i was able to accomplish.

What can I do to recover this mess.

Re-Gloss, Paint, sand again?

Bad gloss


[img_assist|nid=1076114|title=Bad Gloss|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=100]

Just do another hot coat (sanding coat) and then sand it back. Easy, cheap fix.

Thanks mate. 


What about the current unevenness, will that fill the small dents?

Sorry to bump my thread but I was wondering will another filler coat get rid of the imperfections you see on the photo?

Or will they shine through?

I would do a cheater hotcoat to fill some of those voids and then 80 grit back down into that failed gloss and try to get yourself back down into a lighter. cleaner surface. then re-gloss.

Also could be a bad angle of the photo but it looks like the box is too far from the tail.


Thanks acqua for the info. I reckon I will go down that path, just fearful of another gloss coat. 


Yeah the photo is horrible and looks massively out of place. It’s just the angle I took it on.