Glue review

While browsing at the local book store, I came across an article about different woodworking glues in a magazine.

Very scientific… close tolerance quality control, multiple samples, pressure measurement gauges, etc.

The results surprised both me and the editors. GG (my favorite) didn’t fare very well at all. One of the PVA glues did best. For what most of us are gluing, it probably doesn’t matter but for the wood board guys, stringer scarfers, etc among us…

Here is a teaser video clip:

GG…great name though!!I once started using the term “Gorilla Glass” back in the Bronzed Aussie days…next thing I new David Puu at Morning Star had made a logo and scooped me…dang. Same thing happened when Uncle Al saw my target logo on fins…he had hex’s inside of a week…gosh, is this a monkey see, monkey do business or what.

I think I’m gonna scoop China and hire a bunch of chimpanzees! Plant banana trees all around the factory…cheep?