Going to Australia and Holland...

In a couple  weeks  I am heading to
the airport where I will start a month long + trip to the Gold Coast, Australia and
Holland… I’m teaching workshops there…Austraila is a weeklong thing
and Holland is a three day’er…

Our itinerary is kind of
crazy…Seattle to LA…LA to Aukland N.Z…Aukland to Sydney,
Australia…A few weeks in Australia then fy to Holland via Malaysia,
London, then Amsterdam…A few weeks in the Low Countries before
heading home via Iceland…

As in the past, everyday I take lots
of pictures then in the evening edit them down, put them in a MS Word
doc , caption them and send 'em off as an attachment in an e-mail…My
daily routine…

I am putting together a list of those of you who want to get those e-mails…

If you want to be included, you need to let me know…

Reply to: hollowsurfboards@comcast.net

Amazing what you have done with your board building.  Mike

That's a nice offer, too, Paul.  Personally,I'm hoping you will post the most interesting stuff on Sways when you get around to it.  My emails are what I check before I start relaxing.  Swaylocks is what I do when I AM relaxing.  Thanks.  Mike