Gold Coast launches the Big Surfboard

thanks for those Chano …bloody marvellous mate !!

The fcs grub screw

…I wonder if pierre tostee got a shot of that ??? …it would have to be …what…middle finger sized, perhaps ?!

I hope we get to see more . That ain’t no fin , it’s an unlicensed weapon !

[ I DEFINATELY wouldn’t like to have done my groin injury on the end of THAT one , I can tell you now !!]


Thanks for the pics so we can get better look at it. I’m not a big nev fan, but I have to admit he’s done a good job shaping that monster. Looks good, BIG, but good.

…I wonder how long the fins and the tail pad took to make ?

Or, I guess they may have been moulded.


doubtless, surf mags around the world will have the background story [and the helicopter shots of it being ridden ] in one or two issues time . Be interesting to read about the foam blowing , shaping , spraying , glassing , flipping , sanding [!] and fins and gripdeck side of things …as well as the weight of the thing ??

Does anybody know what happened to the board?

The fins took about 4 weeks and were not made in moulds. We used Cad data to slice the fin into sections about 10mm thick and followed the contours of these sections. We had a very talented couple of guys (who want to remain nameless make them).

We covered the fins in the same texalium as the little ones. The fins ended up quite light.

The pad was cut by hand in panels (about 24 panels from memeory) and took about 2 days from scaling up, printing paper mockups and then cutting out.

Lots of fun.

How does the board move, has it got an outboard or is it towed? If it uses a motor then it is not a surfboard. If it is towed it is a tow in board, which is a record in a seperate category.

I think I remeber hearing that it was towed in

Then it hasn’t broken the record for the world’s longest paddle in board. I wonder what that is?

yea the fins were great . the best fcs foils ive seen …

but whats the deal with the fcs fins with no plugs ???

you guys owe me big time …

marathon all nighter to make the worlds biggest set of fcs plugs …

kinda fun tho , something a little different …
