Gold Coast launches the Big Surfboard

You have to check this one out!!!

40 people on one board.,10117,12251497-1248,00.html



OOOOOOOOOhhhhh, Ambrose is not gonna like that one.

on a board like that even I cold get 10 over!

It must have been the resin fumes! If the board had been made narrower then the riders would be able to paddle the thing into the wave instead of cheating with a motor. Thats just a bunch of athletic spam on a boat, there’s no way it’s a surfboard. How about a forty footer, 30 inches wide, for a paddle in attempt on an open ocean wave with a dozen or so paddlers? Dragon says no records for underarm bowling ( or petrol assisted paddling)allowed!

twelve meters ,what’s not to like…36 feet?

worlds record? gold coasttake off and go down the line at kirra…kelly slater an o’neill girl and twelve asorted close friends or twenty

paddle tthe damn thing like a surfer

motor it like a valley throttle jockey.

anchor it like a summer camp swim float.

Leave it to western man to muck up a perfectly simple aboriginal Idea

the European sail craft with a lot of stuff to break and the polynesian craft with renewable rigging…

the great canoe from new zealand had two hundred and fifty paddlers on its maiden voyage,built to commemorate the treaty of WaiTungi {SP?}

motor surfing…bagdad baby burners…that stuff,exaust fumes and residual petrol on the water,stinks…

dories , wave skis ,one man outriggers, six man outriggers…paddle powernoble and justified…paddle a pluckin’ big board ,swell

but keep thet stink pot gasoline alley cartoon to your self and polute yer own estuary and feed your children the seafood…ambrose…Ill paddle the front right rail…eight people setting up a tube ride walking to the tail

Leave it to a ‘bluey’ from perth to cause chaos…

how will he get it to the beach you ask ?

" All aboard the…

okay …let’s consider the logistics for a moment…13m blank, 144 ft of cloth [8’ wide , by the looks of it.]

Gallons of resin…

shaping ?

flipping it over to glass the bottom ?

how many feet / metres at a time would you like to glass today ?

spray job ?


footage of THAT being done would be “interesting”…

oh yeah, what size fin[s] you want on that, and where ?

10"- 20 " thick blank ? etc etc.

legrope , anyone ?

i was thinkin gthe same thing chip thats a ton of fiber glass and resin. also how are they going to flip the thing between lams.

thats classic …

was talking to a guy a few days back , who was watching it get the foam blown …

reckons shaping it was going to be a major mission , looks like nev did a good job …

im glad im not there …im hiding out till its finished …

and when i find out who put my name up for the sanding job , look out …



which of the crew will unweight on the outside rail when the 6 on the inside rail turn…wheere’s busby berkley to coreograph the drop in turn and trim…who rides the nose/ / / so many questions…ambrose…will this be thru bolted to the new Ron Jon shop in gisbourne?

featuring Quicksilver "s exclusive new signature line … signed by all the pros in big pen …

goofy was a cow

pluto was a dog

mickey was a mouse

this template looks like a good turner

how BIG was that …

i have no doubt everyone out there will see it on there tv tonight at news time …

47 people on one board standing and surfing , even tho 1 guy feined a wipeout holding a video camera just to film the rear surfing away into the distance , the official world record for the most number of surfers on a board surfing , would probably officially be at least 46 now …

even tho 46 guys plouged it into the bottom and snapped the fcs fins at the base , the grom got sent back to the shop to ask for a warranty from fcs , he was told to say they just fell out …

media madness …



Hey where’s the official page to view this epic?..ambrose…ccant wait…if tandem is cargo surfing ,could this be herd surfing?

everyone wanted to stay away from the front 10’ of the board , for some reason ?? [no hang tens or even fives shown on the footage I saw , anyway !] …I saw it on tonight’s news …hopefully it will soon be televised EVERYWHERE . The funniest shot to me was all the people carrying it down the beach . If I see it on tv again , I hope to ‘frame grab’ it…


While watching live footage of the quik pro at snapper today,


Tom Carroll commented that it is intended to send this board around the world as a fundraiser for charity !!

[it will be interesting to see if it becomes part of the indies trader ‘quiksilver crossing’ setup, or if it will ,as at THIS contest , make a guest appearance and be ridden at all the quiksilver pro tour events …

will Quiksilver have their own plane , team of weightlifters, and crane to lift the thing ?]

… the future awaits !


p.s. - interestingly , three world champs from the '80s were doing the commentary at Snapper…Tom Carroll , Martin Potter , and [remember her ??] Wendy Botha !!

the board will be crossing america for the next year raising funds for the tsunami disaster victims . more specifically for rebuilding infrastructure , roads , bridges etc…

it will be called the tsunami run . a public speaker will be going ahead , talking to school students and addressing different organisations , its being backed by a whole range of organisations …

after the quickie pro , the quik logo comes off . then a month in oz , while preparations are made to transport it to the states , where it will be on the road for a year …

after that its being auctioned off …

this whole story is way bigger in many aspects , but thats the basic run down …



Help! Call Gulliver! Somebody from Lilliputia got lost in Brobdingnag!

The cause is worthwhile, but any excuse will do. Mayhem predicted.

That had to cost a lot to make all of that custom blown foam, resin, and fiberglass. That had to be $100,000 or more

$50,000aus , apparently …

if this link doesn’t work ,,10117,12459069-1248,00.html

the stats are in the log in page article “surfers ride into the history books”…


Maybe this is the answer to the crowd problems we all complain about. Get everyone in the lineup on one board. Everyone catches every wave. Woo Hoo!

The crowds are starting to look good by comparison. Navy Seal rafts at Pipeline, 13 meter aircraft carrier boards…