Did quick search here and found nada on this so here it is:
Great little article.
Thanks for posting that up.
I am very happy to see that it is not being stood for and I hope the Hawaiian supreme court does their job and shuts it down.
I hope I don’t turn this into a train wreck, but it would have been nice to have seen a more balanced article. Bush Cheney Palin references could have been left out.
Just because a ship maker also sells to the military doesn’t make them bad.
Lastly, it seems that a lot of the oposition is pure localism. Don’t come to my island.
Howzit everysurfer, They don’t tell even half of the story. One thing is there were a lot of long time resident haoles in the group and not just new comers. Another thing they don’t mention is that after the incident they inacted a law against anyone being within 100 yards of the Ferry when it enters the harbor and to make it worse they actually went and arrested the few that were in the water the day the Ferry turned around and went back to Oahu before the law. Then to make things worse the first trip it made to Maui they found a truck full of a certain kind of rocks taken from the water falls near wailuku and have found so much Opihi, and other marine sea food taken from the sea that Oahu no longer has. It’s a sad case and the bottom line is there never was an E.I.S. done before it was allowed to go to sea. It is a political mess and the Govenor made it worse when she overturned a Maui judge’s ruling to stop it from running. On top of all this it is costing the state a lot and I mean a lot of money to keep it running And then there’s the money the state had to spend for upgrades just so it could dock on Maui. It has proven it can’t handle large open ocean swells like they said i would and has been in repair several times because of that and they think the people on the big island want the second one, well that waits to be seen. Only time will tell if it goes or stays and if the past means anything it will be sold to some other country like the last one was. Aloha,Kokua
Hey Kokua,
Thanks for a little more accurate info. I was in Kauai over the summer, and didn’t know who to believe. All the tourism folks thought it was great, and all the locals hated it. It seemd that everyone I talked to had something behind what they were saying.
It’s good to hear an honest opinion of what’s going on.
P.S. good to hear your feeling better. I’ve never met you, but everyone here says the best about you. You’ve been in all our prayers.
They could have been left out if they were not relevant to the story…but they were…establishing a relationship between governmental powers connected to military interests, and private business/military contractors conected to those powers in relation to the subject at hand.
I’m guessing you must be/have been a Bush Cheney Palin supporter. Not that there is anything wrong with that…but clearly a motive to not seeing the relevance of those connections to the story, and quite “stereotypical”.
Very true, but when that ship maker that also sells to the military has influence enough to have current laws circumvented, not to mention overturned…then to be influecial in the creation of new laws in their interest…things begins to look quite fishy. The only reason a person would not think so is if they were following a “party line”
The simple fact that the boat was allowed to set sail without an EIS(against existing and established laws), then REFUSING to provide one once confronted(also against cerrent law) says volumes.
Hawaii was in essence “invaded” by the US Military and taken by force. Although a state, it has fought for it’s right to be somewhat sovereign in the laws it makes concerning the protection and conservation of it’s land and heritige.
It has every right to say “NO” to enterprises that would, or could have an irreparable impact.
But what do I know…I’m just a Haole.
When Mokulele, Hawaiian and Go!(Mesa) go bankrupt again and leave
watch what happens
things sure lightened up when Aloha and ATA left town
its just a matter of time before you gotta swim to get somewhere…
it’s a way bigger story than what’s in the news…
The guy who started the concept came from trying to maintain some of those same airlines syndicates listed above…
people forgot it was the superferry’s predecessor the “Navitek” that rescued the sunken hokulea crew the time Eddie Aikau died trying to get help.
The the 1/4 million for the Polynesian Voyaging Society just got lambasted by the republicans for being part of the “pork” in Obama’s new “stimulus” package. There’s no one left capable of filling John Kelly’s shoes right now to be able to make a righteous point about “outside” money.
we’re an island society we should live somehow through the ocean that surround us versus importing and polluting with AV gas.
don’t need no “super” ferry just a ferry…
these are just some observations nothing more
people forget sometimes
“I’m wondering how Gov. Lingle represents the Hawaiian people, and their money? any thoughts?”
I like her because of her ex-school teacher upbringings but she’s been fighting a big machine and now she’s trying trying to sell the ceded royal lands that the state still owes billions in rent to the hawaiian people to the highest bidder to bail out the state that’s how, while a bunch of wannabees are petitioning to be able to bring a anonymous suit to challenge the hawaiian’s preference policy at Kamehameha Schools for the “Grassroots Institute of Hawaii”. That’s what’s happenning here right now.
Anyway Neal just announced he’s running for govna and I finally see some hope out there for the rock. Deep down he’s still that leather sandaled long hair cheech and chong enthusiast fron the late 60’s and early 70’s when he was at UH with Barry’s mom and pop.even put a nautilas machine in city hall so he could work out during his stint there. Outside of Frank Fasi the only true character we have left in local politics who paid his dues… I think he even can call in some favors to the “kid” or Pelosi (since he was the minority assigned bulldog) if he’s elected… I think Duke for Mayor since he’s an ex-judge ans is used to solving the bickering like in the council, Mufi to take Neal’s place cause as a Harvard boy he belongs in Washington with Ed Case and Neal to run the state and we have one hell of a chance to move ahead. The democrat machine here will never go against Neal. Neal for Govenor and Brian Schatz for LtGov… As lomg as there’s BO in the whitehouse we mght not need Inouye and Akaka to keep the economic wheels here greased with bacon fat…
That’s my call
we’ll see…
its still a bunch of islands in the middle of the ocean