
It’s never easy being a leader. It’s never easy being outspoken. Live by the word, die by the word. But giving up is NEVER the right option. Your contributions will be missed. Never let the bastards get you down.

Noodle. Don’t go! I’m having a tough time keeping up with things right now. But if you do go…I have one question: where the hell are you going to go? Where are you going to find it better than at Swaylock’s?! S

Noodle I suppose, by your word, you won’t be reading this (but I’ll bet you will). You have a very unique perspective and knowledge that I will miss. One of the things that keeps me coming back is the wide range of personalities that frequent this place and you were always a standout. I hope you drop-in after a time. I’ll back off any wave you paddle for…Take it easy. Lee

Noodle, Have been quietly watching from the sidelines up until a short time ago and think it a great diservice if you left. You have too much knowlege to keep just to yourself.

Noodle, How long have you been part of the Swaylocks tribe? I started coming here 3 or 4 years ago ( my how time flys! ) as “Tuna” until someone suggested I use my real name. You know there is a core of guys that are always here as other guys come and go. You are part of the core of guys that is always ready to share information, laughs, or a point of view. Bet you a buck you can’t go away for good! I believe you are a Swaylocksoholic.

Hey Noodle. Hopefully some of these posts have encouraged you to reconsider your position. Agree or disagree with opinions, Swaylocks is about ‘light & shade’. Madmen using the site to shamelessly flog product DO go away. Those who choose to try and force the issue - Mr Penguin is a good example - become token punchbags and, as such, probably have some theraputic value as a result. Stick around, even if you don’t post for a while. I’ve only been with the board for a year but I haven’t noticed any dumbing-down as a result of occasional interlopers. More often than not this is a site based on information, inspiration and good humour. You are a part of that and it would be a shame to lose you. Thumb your nose at Penguin and those who may have posted under your name - come back again with both barrels blazing!

Howzit Noodle, remember that you’re unique in a unique vocation and this fat penguin guy sounds like he’s nothing more than a salesman with a hard to sell product. These are the kind of people that tend to get under our skin if we let them. You’re a bigger person than that who has knowledge worth passing on to those in need. He’ll go away once he realizes he’s not really wanted on this site. But you on the other hand are respected poster who will always be welcome here. After reading 1 of the F.P posts I just shine on his rambling sales pitchs. I’m sure he’ll sell a few of his boards to some unknowing innocents but I could care less and so should you. Just remember you’re one of us and we need to stick together to weed out the wanna be’s. If you everon Kauai you’re wecome to stop by. Aloha, Kokua

It makes no sense to run if you have no place to run to, where are you gonna go, only reading swaylocks in the future, without sharing what you know and think? After reading all the responses you know how the swaylocks tribe thinks of you, share with us, deal with the demon’s, stick arround. Peter Rijk.