OK boys and girls break open the piggybank this is your once in a life time oppertunity , see craigslist los angeles post id #6677261979 . this board will answer many questions .

He is practically giving them away.

He says…Never find another one like it??? 

Then He said there were 2 made! 

I think we’ll find one more exactly like it!! 

Totally knocks the price down at least a few thousand haha

I couldn’t find it

The holy grail and its only $10,000.00!!!1

Does it come with interplanetary space suit???

…I want to use this opportunity to ask: What is the point of all these special builds?

There is not so much you can do on a wave; you can move vertical and horizontal, you can go with the wave or passing sections; you can put the board 12 o ´clock if you have guts (or do not ride with an over board) you can have short action turns or big fast bottom carves; you can go down the line faster than the wave or with the wave; also I saw near impossible tubes but the guys did them right.

The compromise between function; flexibility/rigidiness, beautiness and art is done with the normal boards. The downside (mostly on small hot dogging boards) is the fatigue of the materials due to the very light schedule and too thin of the thickness of the core, that these times pro competitors demand (therefore most surfers, behind want)

All the other construction methods and techniques trying to mimic the potential of the STD construction.

No doubt that all is empiric but the basis are the basis and I maintain what I mentioned here may be 15 years ago or so: The only new design should be something that is not based on the types of outlines et all that we currently built and ride; if not is not new. And that supposed new design should put us (or a newer generation of surfers) in places where only can dream right now.

There is no any point in doing other type of building if you do not have that in mind. The main problem, as mentioned, is the basic hydrodynamic applied to a surfboard and that remains the same; so how do you obtain OTHER type of shape with that criteria? well, the answer is kind of ethereal: without any board at all.

Kudos Reverb, kudos.      A little hard to read, but you have expressed some real insight.      Thanks for your input.

Do the hydrofoil fins lift the board out of the water , that would be clever , it had better do something clever for $10000 . I remember those hollow carbon Hydro epic long boards they were about $2000 , they were black and got very hot some guys sprayed them white .