Hi guys i was wondering if you guys knew much about graphics obviously some of you do. if i use acrylic paint like from a bottle from a craft store like michaels. will it lift or fade?, i have the hot coat on and im going to paint onto the hot coat and then do a gloss coat over top of the painting, (so i can sand it off i f i dont like it anymore) sooo acrylic + polester fiberglass = good?
i don't know for sure about acrylic + polyester resin but i'm sure you'll get your answer about that soon enough... lot's of people go acrylic paint + clear acrylic spray over to protect it. you can get clear acrylic spray in a can at most art stores. http://www.google.com/products?rlz=1T4DGUS_enUS348US349&q=clear+acrylic+spray+paint&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=kzd4TNj7OpOisAP0n6GtBQ&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQzAMwAA
ty il definatly keep that in mind, i was just thinking the gloss coat might protect it better? im not sure i should probably just do the gloss then paint it
I use the art store or wally world cheap acrylics on foam under the glass. I don't think they would work well on top of the glass.
well i tryd it on a scrap and it seems to stick pretty well its hard to pick off, but im going to go with the acrylic spay can idea
i'm sure there's lot's of stuff in the archives about this... off the top of my head, i would say that you should probably lightly sand the area with 100 grit before applying the color to give it something to stick to.
water based acrylic will work under poly gloss
but be careful
I do my pinlines with acrylic from the tube , I had a few cases where the poly didnt set up on
portions of the pin lineâs, not sure why , but I now do this
let the pinlines cure overnite
lightly sand the pinlines 600 wet/dry dry
wipe them off with paper towel lightly moist with acetone
spray on âMatt acrylic finishâ this is dull and doesnt need to be sanded, let dry 1 hour
shoot poly gloss
WALK AWAY! (where have I heard that ???)
heres a few shots of my pinlines
Howzit noob, If you want to paint the sanded hotcoat then gloss over it just make sure the paint job is good and smooth so the gloss resin will flow over it nice and flat. The other thing is you have to be very careful not to rub through the gloss and hit the paint. Best to paint on the foam but it seems you are past that point. The clear acrylic will work if you are going for a sanded finish but there are other options also like the 2 part finish or spray laquer. Try doing a search for finishes and see what comes up from the archives, a lot I bet. Aloha,Kokua
I use the small bottles from Michaelâs all the time, and have had better success with these than tube paints. Thin it with Future floor finish, and strain it before you spray. Let it dry for a couple of days. I use a 220 sanded finish for painting on hotcoats. Unless youâre really good at glossing so that there is almost no sanding, I would recommend that you do a single 4 or 2 oz. clear lam over the paint.