Greenish tint in fiberglass: is all 7533 equal?

I am doing some repairs to a surfboard and am running into an issue with greenish tint in the cured fiberglass. I searched here and found that greenish tint perhaps comes from Volan finish on the glass. I bought glass from two places. Glass I bought at Fiberglass Supply is style 7533 (5.6 oz) and cured with no green tint. I ran out of that so I bought some locally at Tap Plastics. Their stuff is also labeld 7533 but cures with a green tint. The Tap website indicates that their 7533 is Volan treated. So I am pretty confused. Are there different versions of 7533 running around; some with and some without Volan finish? Is one of these places actually selling something other than what they label it? The stuff from Tap did not “work” the same as the stuff from FS; it seemed coarser. I just want to be sure that I am getting non-Volan treated material and that I understand what it is I am getting. I looked at the Hexcel data-sheet for 7533 and it does not mention anything about finish one way or the other. Thanks for any advice.

Hi -

#7533 is likely a code for a specific yarn count, weave and weight. Silane or Volan would be the type of finish. I did a quick search and found a site that carries #7533 in Silane OR Volan finish… sounds like you might have some of each?

If in doubt, lay up some of each sample on a piece of smooth foam or white paper. Use 3 pieces of each, making sure you have some overlapping of the edges. If Volan, the green ragged edges of the bottom pieces should be visible under the top piece.

yes, the same fabric can be finished differently, even from one manufacturer. For instance BFG’s web page shows they make 7533 with 504 (Volan) finish, or with A218 which is not…


The stuff from Tap did not “work” the same as the stuff from FS; it seemed coarser.

You’re right. Volan feels different under your fingers (a weird damp feeling, I would say) and it doesn’t lap the same either: a bit more difficult.