GreenLight Surf Supply

I’ve been looking through a few older threads.

The one that detail rail bands that Greenlight gave and links to on their website have went dead.

Like this one:


There were two or three of these.

is it possible these can be referenced elsewhere on the site?

They don’t have them on the site anymore
call Brian and ask him to send you the Pdf’s
he will e-mail them to you ASAP
he’s a nice guy I’ve had no problems with
Greenlight. Good place.

Actually I’m agitating for them to be back on the site.


I found this using a google search…

If it’s the same PDF I’m thinking of, it may have been replaced by that page.

With all due respect to Brian, I think the site navigation leaves a lot to be desired…it’s all spread out and it’s not readily obvious that some of the graphics in the center are clickable…tons of valuable stuff posted there, no doubt about that.

Hey Otis


PM me your email address and I’ll dig the old rail band PDFs out for you.


Take it easy




Thanks, I’ve got everything…printed out a long time ago.

Just agitating for these old links…they miss the light of day.

For some reason the new diagram prints too small and grainy off of my printer though.


Want to vent my frustration. Had just recieved my new surfboard building kit from Greenlight and when I open the package, one half of the blank is broken into two pieces. I have emailed Greenlight but no reply yet. I know they are busy, but is it best to call or email? Will they send me another blank or am I out of luck?

Hey Kook (meant in the most endearning way)

A friend of ours just called to let me know about this thread. Sorry your blank broke in transit. It happens. We’ll send you a new one tomorrow. No worries.

As far as using the word ‘frustration’, I’d say it’s hard to be frustrated when you only emailed once - 6 hours ago! I get around to reading and responding to emails first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If you need immediate assistance please call the shop. (732) 280-1608. Sorry we don’t sit at a desk all day looking at the internet - shop’s buzzing with activity. Shipments going out, boards being built, tools being designed… on and on.

Thanks for the order and feel free to contact us anytime if you have a question. You’ll get a tracking number for the replacement blank when it’s picked up.



Brian, you're building a great business my friend! Keep up the good work! Don W. from NC

Brian, I was just frustrated in general. Not at Greenlights response time! Was hoping to get shaping tonight.  I know your busy, just wanted to vent! Thanks for the email and Andrew calling. Its my first one, so I was bummed when it got here broken. Oh well though such is life! Keep up the great work and Ill stop bugging you on email and Sways!




I like greenlight but I do not like fedx.Every box i recieve from fedx looks like it has been run over by something.Kook just get some dries white gorrilla glue and glue the blank back together,the stuff is stronger than the foam!

Was thinking of making a Paipo out of the remains as a practice and something for the kiddos.

Did you get my PM Jesus?

Hah,I did now!