A quick look via the search button did’nt produce anything, so I thought I’d better ask.
I’m lofting up a 5’ paipo type ‘thing’ and was going to go fishy with the fins, but now I’m beginning to wonder how a single would work… does anyone have info/specs/ photos on GG’s fins? has anyone made any? tried them out?
Swordie, I’ve tried a True Ames Greenough fin on my 9’6" pintail. The fin was a 9". The shape had a wide base, but the rest on the fin was fairly thin and rakey. It surfed pretty loose and had a smooth quality in turning. One drawback, I thought, was it didn’t have a lot of drive out of turn. Good for long smooth turns or juicey waves. Doug
To fin this creation of yours well you want to shop around as much as you can and learn what foil will serve the way you want to surf the best. Once you decide on that you can then begin to choose the type of fin set-up that will compliment it. If you already know how you’re going to foil it. That info is critical to someone who is going to advise you about what fins will work best.
single fin engages the rail unlike the FISH? keellong base/ fin that tends to engage the center of lateral resistance thought train [cool stuff-C.O.L.R.].the base with tip in a single to my tastes allows an infinite combination of variables in use .The amount of rail engaged relative to the amount of fin expands the duration of learning to ride a given board … ambrose …’ feet placed with mine will rhyme in time in time’… my friend richard barth wrote that on a piece board I made in anahola in 1972 … he may have quoted it from some one I dont know who else to give the credit…riding a board in varietal conditions increases understanding,alternating fins …extra dimensional
The high aspect fins have a lot of drive and were really fun in my kneeboards and short stubbies…8.5 inch deep max. The paddle fin (see the thread by Run) is another animal altogether. I haven’t put enough water time on it but so far it is very directional but lacks drive. In other words it turns like a thruster but no squirt, is smooth like a single but no drive. I keep thinking; if it was matched up with the right rocker it would be killer. I haven’t been able to do that yet. A short version might be great for a trailer in a thruster set up or maybe a bonzer. Don’t go deep, 8.5" max. True Ames web site has photos of all of them
Put in a few different boxes so you can try all kinds of configurations.
Thanks everyone… yeah drive is what I’m after, although I will have to admit a tendancy to ‘turn from the top’ rather than put in a long drawn bottom turn… the quality and power of waves here I suspect… I might end up building my own, there’s enough stuff lying around the garage :)…
When you say ‘paipo’ do you mean you will be riding this board prone or on your knees (or perhaps either/or)? I ask this because it will make a difference in the effect the fin has the board’s performance characteristics.
For example, paipo boards ridden exclusively in a prone position often do not have any fin whatsoever! Hold and drive is supplied entirely by the rail in conjuction with the rider’s trailing legs/swimfins (a la body boarding).
On the other hand, if ridden in a kneeling position then you definitely want a fin (flexible Greenough style fin is probably your best choice). Otherwise the board will slide sideways down the wave.
I’m sure I’ll want fin[s] the issue is ‘do I go for two small fins [fishy] or one large one [velo stylee]’… not that I’m going for a full on spoon though. I don’t think that will go in the mushburgers we tend to get in this part of the world.