Greg Loehr Design 7' 3

I live in south Florida and I hanen't surfed in about 15 years, I was thinking about buying this board Greg Loehr Design 7' 3. The seller tells me that it is epoxy does anyone know anything about this board like age? or would it be good for somone that has not surfed in a long time but still kinda knows what he is doing. 

You omitted your own measurements but unless you’re quite overweight, I would say that this board looks fine to get back at it after a 15 years pause.

your right Im 6foot and about 200lbs, and would this board be considered a good board?

Everyone has their own opinions, so this is by no means definitive - but I'd go bigger, at your size.  I'm 5'7" 180 lbs, and came back to surfing after 23 years.  Started with a 6'10".  Got frustrated until I took some good advice, and got a 9' longboard (never been a longboarder before).  Now, after a year of being back, I'm riding boards in the 7' plus range.

Good goin’ Huck,

I new deep down inside you were a short boarder at heart.  Now I’ve got  a little red racecar you gotta try again!  When are you going to be in town?


I new deep down inside you were a short boarder at heart.  Now I've got  a little red racecar you gotta try again!  When are you going to be in town?


hahaha, you mean the shark troller?  Man, I gotta lean my head back just to keep my mouth above water when I'm sitting on that thing - how in the world do you do it?  I'll pm you coming up, hope to be in town soon for a go-out.

Thanks for the comments but I surfed a short board for like 10 years here in south florida and I just dont want to surf a LongBoard this 7' 3 seems huge to me I was thinking maybe a fish might be what i'm lookin for? Thanks again for the information




Thanks for the comments but I surfed a short board for like 10 years here in south florida and I just dont want to surf a LongBoard this 7' 3 seems huge to me I was thinking maybe a fish might be what i'm lookin for? Thanks again for the information


hahaha - you sound exactly like me one year ago!  I rode a shortboard for 15 years in So Cal, and just did not want to surf a longboard.  I got a 6'10" retrofish when I came back to surfing, which seemed huge to me (my last board, many years ago, was a 5'11" fish).  I love my fish.  But the fun really didn't happen until I went with a longboard, and got my wave count back up, and my popup and sea legs back.  Then I started working my way down in board size.  Thats just me.  Your mileage may vary.  Main thing is, Have fun!  The Greg Loehr looks like a great board.

I've known Greg since the 70s and I've never seen that logo. Maybe he'll see this post and explain that one. (I don't doubt that it's one of his shapes, I'd know that outline anywhere. Looks a lot like his personal boards late 80s-early 90s).

If it ''sounds huge'', it's probably about right after 15 years off. If you get your legs back quick, then move on to a shorter board.

Thanks for the info.

Any Info on this Board?? Is this a Greg Loehr design? should I keep surfing it or hang it on the wall ?? people talk like these boards are worth a lot of money all I can say is I have had a lot of fun on it


I had to stop by Resin Research today, so while I was there I got Sammy to look at the pics of your board. He probably did the lam and some other work on it. It's definitely a GL shape, and Sam said early-to-mid 90s as his best guess of vintage. Made in Indian Harbour Beach. The logo is one they used for a short time, which makes it unusual and might add to value. But we agreed it's not really a wall-hanger (and I bet GL would concur), so just ride it and enjoy!

Oh yeah, Sam pointed out that you might measure the fin placement; if the trailing edge of the front fins is back further than normal it might be one of Greg's personal boards.

Thank you for the information its cool to know the history. I surf this board all the time and I love it so I guess thats all that matters. I mesured the trailing edge of the front fins and it looks like its 4 1/2 from the back of the board in a stright line. Here are some pictures.



The convention on measuring fin placement is from the tip of tail; it looks like the fronts are ~10.5'', which is pretty far back for a 7'3''. This would indicate it might have been one of GL's personals, or at the very least one where he advised the customer to use his placement. Maybe he'll check in here and confirm...

if it has obnoxious front foot dents in it, good chance it would be one of his.  

so greg like his front fins at 10.5 , what does this do to the ride ?   tighter turns ?

I would say that your right about the foot dents but really this board must not have been used very much its in really good shape with hardly no dings or dents. As for the ride I would say the board turns very tight and handles big surf very well, I would guest that it was probley made for bigger surf but i’m not expert by any means. I will say that the board feels a little slow on smaller waves but turns very well.


Thanks for all the info I’m surfing in the morning I will post some pictures of the rest of the board in the morning.