gregs epoxy

tell us about it, if heard a little and sounds sweet. what is the difference from other resins and why is it better. is it able to be bought yet?? if so whats the cost. thanks dk

The advantages are many. Epoxy is stronger so the board comes out stronger with better resin Since epoxy is stronger it takes less resin in the laminate to do the same job as polyester. And epoxy has a slightly lighter specific weight. This makes a lighter board even with the same blank and glass used for a poly. In fact with epoxy on Clark foam you can use a green blank and it will come out the same weight as the same glassed poly lamination using a blue. And MUCH stronger. You can laminate ANY foam with epoxy. Not just urethane. This gives you the option of making your own blanks. Our new epoxy system as fast as MEK initiated poly so production times are quicker. Cosmetically our epoxy is clearer making a whiter board. Yellowing is also slower than with poly. Our epoxies can be cleaned up with soap (GoJO type) and water. There is no need for clean up solvents. Our epoxy has very little vapor (odor) so work can be done almost anywhere. No masks are necessary with just moderate ventilation. You use approximately 1/3 the amount of epoxy resin to build a board as you would polyester. These last three, immediately above, give you an indication of the reasons epoxies are better for the environment and for labor. Epoxy gives the laminator more work time and there is no real “gel” time to catch you. The resin just gradually thickens as it begins to harden. This allows a higher quality laminate. All the newer fabrics (Kevlar, carbon, s glass, etc.) were designed for use with epoxy. Not surprisingly, they all perform best in an epoxy matrix. Our new additive, Additve F, makes epoxy easier to work with than any other sustem. Here is a price list. Prices are FOB Tucson Az. or Melbourne Fl. 3 Pt set: 2 Pt. Resin, 1 Pt. Hardener: $26 1.5 Gal. set: 1 Gal Resin, 1/2 Gal. Hardener $85 3 Gal set: 2 Gal Resin, 1 gal. Hardener $155 7.5 Gal. set: 5 Gal Resin, 2.5 Gal. Hardener $348 15 Gal. set: 10 Gal. Resin 5 Gal. Hardener $626 Our Email address is . Our phone # is 321-223-5276

Is your resin as good as Epoxy Pro Epoxy resin? I hear that yours doesn’t need to be sanded between coats, is that true? Will your resin adhere to XTR blanks without delamination problems? I am looking for a new resin to use on XTR blanks. I want something that is clear, strong, and bonds to extruded foam. I am get way too many unsatisfied customers with delam and board buckling problems. BUt I don’t want to give up on epoxy, it is better to work with and is enviromentally safer. Oh, Greg, can brushes and squeegees be clean with GoJo cleaner? Thanks.

I haven’t used Epoxy Pro’s resin so I don’t know. I beleive that our system does have some advantages, i.e. faster cure and Additive F. But, IMHO, the problems with XTR foam are primarilly with the foam itself, not with the resins. Owens Corning is the manufacturer and there has been a long history of problems with extruded polystyrene foams. My feeling is that this product has a limited marketability and anyone buying one of these has got to know the rules as far as unkeep is concerned. The foam does have certain performance advantages especially in smaller surf. But it is heat sensitive, therefore if your going to buy one, buy it for the advantages and be careful about how you treat it. Let’s face it, there is no perfect material or board at this time. Every core we use today has it’s own shortcomings. Therefore, using the right tool for the right job, and knowing what that is, is paramont for any knowlegable surfer or builder today. But regardless of which core you choose, epoxy is the best resin to coat it with. And the weight/strength advantage you get by using epoxy more than pays for the effort. As far as sanding between coats, Additive F minimizes this by eliminating blush which is the reason sanding is nessasary with most epoxies. We use 3 inch chip brushes for hot coating and throw them away. It seems a waste to clean a 50ç brush with 50ç worth of acetone. Sqeegees can be wiped clean with scrap cloth. And the elimination of acetone and all other VOC solvents from the factory are the best part of epoxy’s environmentally superoir aspects.

greg sounds awesome and the prices are reasonable. the first list of numbers on ur price list…does that make one board?? if it does thats pretty good. especially with the amount of strength gained. also when putting the epoxy on, just as poly or what. squegee the resin in and then flip the lasp over, or is there some other procedure for the laps?? if so, do tell. im thinking about eperimenting with this on a board im making for myself in probably a couple of weeks. i also am thinking about puting a cloth inlay in the board. will the epoxy bond well to the cloth??? thanks for the imfo, ill most likely be ordering some soon to try it out on my board. appreciate it, dk

Greg, Do you recommend using additive F when laminating? BTW I’m still riding a 9’longboard I made in 1988 from a 1 lb blank of yours that I got from Ted J at Fox. I glassed it with the 3 to 2 mix RR Epoxy. I forget what the layup was but it was and is light. I thought it would be a throw-away but it is still kicking after 15 years +. Take care, Dave Dixon

dj, here is what Greg wrote to me when i asked him how much i need to do 4-6 shortboards “Three gallons should be ample unless their longboards. A three gallon set costs $153. That’s a packaged material price and the costs in larger quantities are more reasonable if your doing a production in epoxy. It really has about the same costs because of how far epoxy goes compared to poly.” He also gave me approxomate amounts of resin to use for top and bottom laminations + hotcoat 6’ and under - 9 -12 oz. bottom 12-15oz. deck 7’ and under - 12 -15oz bottom 15-18 oz. deck 8’ and under - 18 - 21 oz bottom 21- 24 oz. deck 9’ and under - 24 - 27 oz bottom 27- 33 oz deck Hot coats run just a bit more than an ounce per foot. For instance a 6’ board would take about 7 oz. per side. Longboards, 9’, take about 12-15 oz. per side

A quart set will make a shortboard. If your using Clark foam it makes a shortboard easy. Wet out is a bit different in that you spread the resin around and then wet your laps as the resin soaks into the flats. After the laps are up, you then go back to the flats and remove the excess and wet any dry spots. Epoxy will just soak in. You can’t or shouldn’t force it. Also use a plastic sqeegee. It moves epoxy better than the rubber ones. Also epoxy won’t drain like poly so there’s no hurry. It allows time to do the job right and get everything perfect. 2-3 hours later you can flip it. Dave, nice to hear from you. Yes, we use Additive F in everything. Just makes everything go smooth and easy. The 3-2 system was our original. Later we shifted to 2-1 because it’s easier. Also some better chemicals came on the market that allowed more freedom in formulating. It’s even better now.

Greg do you know of anyone glassing boards in Hawaii using your products?

your product sounds very interesting,can you use it as final gloss coat and where can i buy it.

Without stepping on anyones toes…Gregs Epoxy is better. I use to work at Epoxy Pro and got a small chance to try out Javiers Epoxy. It was clear but difficult to work with. I went back to poly for a while. Then I quit Epoxy Pro to work for a higher quality shop…where they are starting to use Gregs stuff…killer product…thanks Greg

In Hawaii we are working on getting distribution going through Moonshine Distribution on Maui which will be able to take care of the entire state. Hope to have that in place sometime this winter. Glossing con be done with fast hardener and double dose of Additive F. They come out nice and you can sand and polish if you like. Mixing hardeners for custom applications is one of the reasons we made everything 2 to 1. With fast, you have a 25 min pot life, slow 50 min amd extra slow 200 min. Mixing different hardeners together will give you other results and there isn’t any algebra nessasary. Also the two different resins (2000 and 2020) can be mixed to give different flex characteristics. RJ, We ship from both coasts, my email address is

Greg, I received my resin, thank you very much. I’ll let you know how it goes. Just shaped a rep of Simons original thruster, so that’s going to be my test board…

Hi Greg is there anyone in Australia that is selling your product, if so could l have a contact number, keen to give it a try. KR

No one in Austrailia yet. We are trying to get Hawaii done right now and then maybe Aus.

Hey greg, I might be interesting in ordering a few boards from you but once i found your website, it was gone, is there anyway you can send me some infor on your board models? Thanks, Chris

hey kenny, im workin on getting a big shipment of gregs resin over here! call in and see me one day when your at burfords, dave

Keep up the good work Greg.