Groovey, is this something new?

Stumbled on to this today on space book

From A.Zanetti Laminating Brazil.

Alessandro Zanetti wrote,“It serves to let a little stronger”

Remarks following were assuming fiberglass and blew out on resin pools.

The photo caught my eye as  lam’in carbon strips is a bitch to get flat.

Maybe carbon strips hair sprayed in the grooves?

Sure as hell the strips’l come out straight!

Further investigation AZ’s page gave up the second photo.

I’ve never been able to understand the point of putting carbon fibre on that part of a surfboard. 

Nope your looking at standard carbon strips under glass done very straight on the deck and the “grooves” are scraped in with a comb or other tool on the bottom of the board to help add a very small amount of adhesion surface for where the fins will go , thats why you see the fin marks on the first two images.  Do not try to lay carbon into grooves singularly unless you have very much patience!!:)The grooves look quite cool but not sure if the add very much strength at all…someone may be able to correct me.

looking at the first photo I would have to say the shaper does mostly clear boards and he needs to sharpen his spoke shave…

looking at the second photo I see that sales and marketing are all that matters. and that’s that.

who is MattWho ??? no one will ever know but he builds nice boards. No BS.

New, no.

First saw this in the 80’s from an Aussie shaper.

Said it helped fins from delaming. (glass-ons).

Laminators hated it.

Added weight too.

Done with a comb or other scraping tool.

Seen it down the center also.


I’ve never been able to understand the point of putting carbon fibre on that part of a surfboard. 


a.  to demonstrate avant guard knowledge marketing bullshit

b. looks kind of cool and can charge more $

c.  because flex jargon is mostly bs and a stiffer board is more responsive to rider input

d.  rooster’s a know nothing and full of shit

I don’t know either spudups.  Letter d might be the best answer in this case.  

 Glassed the wax comb groove things   years ago. another gimmick  for the glasser to fart around with and get no extra money for{ but it only takes 5 minutes extra to glass} yes multiplyed by 5 boards=  25 minutes gone!!!..all my sticker cutting time gone…peace

want to make the top side of carbon tape flatter  cut the hem off  pull one strand out…{ good basting with laminating resin after glassing so you do not bring weave up when sanding}