I came across an very interesting company while surfin’ the web today. They are making a substitute for EPS that is %100 bio. Basically they grow fungus roots into hard plant material. Right now its around 6lbs. density. Here is their website: www.ecovativedesign.com
It looked like interesting stuff and being the surf nerd that I am, i shot them an email asking how it could relate to surfboard construction.
Here is my question:
wondering if you are planning lighter densities similar to EPS. I make
surfboards and we are always striving for lighter better performing
equipment. However we are also trying to reduce the environmental
impacts of our sport. Will you be developing densities around 1.5
lbs.? Are your materials able to be cut with a hotwire? How does the
flexibility compare to EPS?
Here is their respones (and a quick response too, like ten minutes later) :
Yes! A big R&D push for us is to make these materials lighter and
higher performance. We’ve always wanted to make surfboards out of it!
Our materials cannot be cut with a hotwire, but can be worked with
standard woodworking tools. However, we can also just grow to custom
shapes, so you could literally grow a surfboard without additional
shaping. Please keep your eye on our website for future materials that
might be well suited for surf boards.
**Whoa- “****just grow to custom
shapes” Crazy! And if you’re stuck in the middle of the ocean you could probably just eat the stuff too.