Grubby Clark Gave It Away - Unselfishly

Firstly, I have nothing but absolute praise for Mr. Clark and all he has done for surfing. There is no surfer alive who doesn’t owe him their gratitude - no matter what they ride or build their boards from. Personally, I think his legacy is one of the most important in surfing. Regardless of the events of the last few days, it is not one that should be forgotten.

Part of that legacy is is the “Clark Foam Catalog” - the bible of professional and wannabe shapers which he gave free of charge to any and all who requested it. Add to it his easily accessable rocker catalog - again free - and you have exactly what you want/need in a blank. I find it a bit ironic that all the eps/epoxy people who seem so giddy at the demise of Clark Foam probably can’t put their hot-wires to foam with one hand without a “Clark Foam Catalog” in the other. Instead of all the “Good By and Good Riddance!” sentiment, the man deserves high praise and huge “Thank You Grubby!”

There’s also been alot of talk/speculation about the formulas and molds and the related talk of buying/relocating the factory. What about those lurking in the wings…

It wasn’t too long ago that cheap oriental knock-offs hit our shores. These are pu/pe boards not made by surfers. They’re made by very well educated engineers, chemists, machinists, etc. Where do you think they got their information for blank composition, outline, rockers, etc. etc. from? They not only have the catalog but probably one or more of every blank and then some. Sure, it may take some time to ramp up production - Greg Loehr says they aren’t ready or won’t be soon - but does anyone think that they’ll lay all their cards on the table in an honest fashion. These are greedy people who are in it for the biggest market share they can get (the greedy people I refer to very much includes the Americans who set up the knock-off deal to begin with). With only the manufacturing of blanks being a hazard in the states, the importing would be easy and a facility stateside to do custom rocker work not a problem. I just have a sneeking suspicion that these people are farther along than they may be letting on.

They had no problem ripping off classic logos - they will have no problem ripping off every profile in the Clark catalog.

Speaking of which, if I decide to go the eps/epoxy route and want to order a 9-1 Y from an eps blank supplier can I be assured that they are doing it with Rennie Yater’s approval and he is being properly compensated for his design?

Thank You Grubby Clark!

yes …


…the spirit…

when I grow up I wanna be…

like the beach boys at waikiki…

sombody give g.clark a seat

under a coconut tree’s shade

with a cold green coconut

to drink after surfin.