H-glass is a new patented microscopically hollow glass fibre. It is 40% lighter and 32% more pressure resistant (creasing is the main cause for board breaking) than traditional e-glass, . H-glass based composites also serve as a very efficient shock absorber. After Dyneema we found this the best alternative to use in wave boards, especially for spots without rocks. As the different materials used in carbon-kevlar have such different characteristics, in the sum H-glas is actually a better material for board construction, with a better price, allowing us to use it full on deck AND bottom, overlapping on the rails .
Link H-glass: http://www.ezentrumbilder.de/…X_Hohlfaser_D_GB.pdf (in german and english)
*found on the witchcraft site
And it has almost the same price as E-glass!
Distributed by R&G Faserverbundwerkstoffe GmbH
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