
H-glass is a new patented microscopically hollow glass fibre. It is 40% lighter and 32% more pressure resistant (creasing is the main cause for board breaking) than traditional e-glass, . H-glass based composites also serve as a very efficient shock absorber. After Dyneema we found this the best alternative to use in wave boards, especially for spots without rocks. As the different materials used in carbon-kevlar have such different characteristics, in the sum H-glas is actually a better material for board construction, with a better price, allowing us to use it full on deck AND bottom, overlapping on the rails .

Link H-glass: http://www.ezentrumbilder.de/…X_Hohlfaser_D_GB.pdf (in german and english)

*found on the witchcraft site

And it has almost the same price as E-glass!

Distributed by R&G Faserverbundwerkstoffe GmbH

what do you think about it?

hi hans, if you don’t mind painting the board it’s ok. the waeve is very tight, you can’t look through, its atlas and only in 6oz. available. my fish is vacuum laminated with it (top out side) and no ding so far (2month). btw. it makes a nice braether.


what is “braether”? Sorry I’m not english.

So you like the H-glass apart from the fact you have to paint the board?

I’m a littlebit afraid that is would be too flexible, they say it is more flexible than e-glass or did I misunderstood that?

because I’d like to use it in a sailboard.

it is flexible but i don’t know about the use in sailboards you might try to talk to the witchcraft guys.

sorry hans i’m about to laeve to sagres/portugal.

boas ondas


Hmmmm…Zavial :wink:

this stuff has a lot of potential.