Had a run in with the new surf school in OB

Surf schools should show some class and respect to the locals and the beach they occupy. Follow my experiencehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/2220198826/ here…I will be at the beach 10am Sat if anyone wants to get involved in moving there guys out of OB.

ACE got ya and posted.

Sad state of affairs

It has just got to be extremely bad “down there” sorry I’m so far away.

Gett’em (surf schools/camp) van pulls up (not a beginner spot) over the rocks, take over (any) beach and only the instructors have fun. The kids just get drilled, I look at it this way such a bad experience, and they won’t be back!

I know you won’t get yourself in trouble but a bad experience makes it home to Mom and Dad.

Boycott the surf shops that run them.

Get 'em ACE!

ace, maybe you could just get a job with them and cash in! http://pacificsurf.org/about/jobs.html


bummer to hear your lineup is abnormally crowded out and feeling unsafe now b/c of the school. if you have the ability, i’d try to video every run-in with them if they continue to hassle you, especially if you keep your cool. they seem to have a pretty strategic online presence and if you can get video proof of the instructors/staff acting shitty, that buzz via social media channels could damage their business pretty quickly. just a thought


I will be at the beach on the grass by the statue at 10 am this morning. If anyone wants to help figure out what we can do. You OB surfers know where that is .  Right now I am an army of one fighting an uphill battle. Heck I do not even surf there anymore because of the crowds I ride a mat after they blackball the rest of the beach and shove all surfers into one tiny spot, and get all the waves I want.  These guys are organised and it is going to take more than one crazy old man on a mat to get rid of em.

Sad to hear. I’m too far away to help but hope you will set this right. 

Kihei, Maui on the Mainland.

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I still don’t know the story

anybody care to share?

People have been complaining about the amount of space ON THE BEACH and IN THE WATER the surf school {Pacificsurf.org} has been taking at the beach. Someone had gone to the lifeguards and asked how much space they were allowed and can they rope off the area to save it. I did not do it! I knew nothing about it. I was standing on the grass in my normal spot. The lifeguards told the surf school to remove their rope. The guy from the school yells at me from the beach “thanks a lot man” next thing I know all their instructors are coming over to ME yelling at me telling ME to leave the beach. It got fun from there. These guys have to GO. Take your school to Dog beach. That is where I and most everybody learned how to surf around here. Easier wave less people. Putting a bunch of beginners by the pier is UNSAFE and rude to the people who live here. We have ONE peak and can not handle a bunch of beginners in the way.Telling someone, me, who has lived here for almost 66yrs to get off the beach is not how to make friends. I am going to be writing to the City council to limit the amount of space or get them moved. This is picture of how much space they claim everyday. You can see the blue rope in the sand claiming space. Heck I have not even been riding a surfboard lately because of the crowds I have been on a mat. I still get in this much trouble. Fun day at the beach, more

to come I am sure.

From one orange cone to the other is how much space they were claiming. this is the main most popular part of the beach. Too bad no one showed up to meet with me I had a long talk with the head lifeguard in charge of ALL the surf schools in San Diego. They do not like surf schools at South OB as well. Too many safety isssues pier rocks bad rip tides sucking unskilled surfers out that can not get back in.

This issue can be solved BUT it is going to take work. The school is making too much $$$ to go away easy. Added plus there is ANOTHER  school permited for the end of Newpot ave. that has not opened yet. We have about 100yds of surfing area. On a good day it WAS possible to get a left under the pier and make it all the way to the end of the surfing area. Now your lucky to make the first section than there is the surf school as an instructer pushes a “surfer” into a wave who crashes and burns in front of you. “My bad Bra” says the instructers, as they do it over and over, who are not from here and have zero respect $$$ for the area or locals.

Fun days at the beach. SD locals sit back and do nothing and watch it get worse or start writting letters. These guys may be coming to your beach next.


wow, amazing to me they are even allowed to “claim” that much public space for a money-making venture.

agreed, it is completely disrespectful, and their conduct with you really reflects a juvenile attitude.

sad that it has come to this.

About the only way to stop this is to make the customers uncomfortable. No words need to be said, since they won’t listen anyway. You just sit on them. You know how its done. Six inches from the nose of their board. Between them and the shore. A ghandi like sit down strike. Nobody gets waves until they see the light and move to the beginner safe area. Do it with a smile until they get the idea.

looking at the pic, looks like a surf school for prison inmates, haha

wish you success in weeding out the bad apple surf school

write a letter to editor of local paper

keep posting on internet

expose them for what they are

its worth a try

if that doesn’t work, have a cold one and plan another trip south

the good times and good waves are still there for those willing to seek, just gets a little harder each year

I feel your pain - SUP’s and surf school at my onetime favorite point break has turned an uncrowded beach into a packed circus with too many clowns - rarely even go there anymore

I used to love summer when I was a kid.

Now I dread it more every year and can’t wait for it to be over.

Surf Schools & Nimrod SUP’ers much of the reason.


These clowns have brought a SUP to their school to add to the chaos. The world is complete.

I agree with everysurfer. Make it a nightmare and distraction for these instructors. Teach these students you just don’t paddle out and start dropping in anywhere and everywhere.

The weak hands will want nothing to do with this neat “surf thing” and the ones that keep surfing will get the picture. I think it’s time for a really childish gesture on someone’s part! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! Hell no! And it ain’t over now…

who’s with me!? Let’s gooooooo…

That sucks mate. Normally the surf schools have a big bus they carry all the boards in. It can’t go far with flat tyres though.

Everyday it is new people they have a endless supply, These guys are worldwide and organised. This aint no small time deal you would be running over people everyday. That might have been fun when I was younger. I am really suprised at the younger guys just rolling over and letting this happen,  The onlyway is going to be letters emails etc to the Ocean Beach town council info@obtowncouncil.org..  Councilman Ed Harris, I sent my letter to dominikab@sandiego.gov. This is his chief of staff could not find a direct email. The City makes A LOT of money as well “renting” off public land so this is gonna be a bitch. South Coast Surf Shop on Newport is selling tickets to the school as well let them know how you feel. The lifeguards are on are side their issue is SAFETY so you can file a formal complaint about being run over cut off or whatever else you feel is unsafe…Concrete pier riptides submerged rocks NOT A SAFE BEACH FOR BEGINERS and just too many people in the water I think they can “legally” have up to 40 in the water.

  They are using “This is for children this is for fun” line so if you are against them you are “Not a nice person” and “A bad parent” thats what they said to me. I responced BS this is about making $$$$$$$$$$

The younger guys are the instructors and the problem. That’s all they know. Forget what’s “fair.”

time to get asymmetrical. Not a “nice person”? Who cares?! I’ve been called worse.

I know where but I am to obvious a choice for who did it at this point…Where is old OB? Guess they got OLD and the young guys are nothing but toothless barking puppies…