Hair Dryer to remove a ding in new foam?

I just finished shaping a new longboard and darn if I didn’t ding the foam trying to rearrange how the blank was sitting. The foam isn’t scratched it is just a small pressure bump. I really don’t want to sand it down anymore but I heard that a hair dryer would possibly get the pressure ding to pop back out. Has anyone had any experience with this? I don’t want to make a bad thing worse! Any ideas?

I wouldn’t recommend using a hair dryer for two reasons. The first being that it probably wont get hot enough to pull the foam back out. Secondly, if you try to hold it closer to the foam, thinking this will heat things up a bit, you could end up burning your board and really screwing yourself. Definately go with filling the ding with spackle and sanding it flush. This trick has saved many people on this forum many times, myself included. Find the “non-shrinking” kind (available at any hardware store), it doesn’t contain as much water and dries to a nice, workable consistency. You’d be amazed at how well this stuff works, it’s virtually undetectable under glass. Kirk

Hair dryers are slow,and usually don’t work at all, due to low heat ranges. …I use a heat gun…but watchout…get the gun warmed up on high,then wave it across the area with a steady rapid movement,approx. 4-6 inches away.Never let THE HEATGUN stand in one spot,idle.This will work for small dents or scratches.It won’t work for gouges,holes, or tears in the foam. PRACTICE ON A PIECE OF SCRAP FOAM FIRST!!! I can’t tell you how much time this has saved me.Herb

Hair dryers are slow,and usually don’t work at all, due to low heat > ranges.>>> …I use a heat gun…but watchout…get the gun warmed up on > high,then wave it across the area with a steady rapid movement,approx. 4-6 > inches away.Never let THE HEATGUN stand in one spot,idle.This will work > for small dents or scratches.It won’t work for gouges,holes, or tears in > the foam.>>> PRACTICE ON A PIECE OF SCRAP FOAM FIRST!!!>>> I can’t tell you how much time this has saved me.Herb Interesting, I just shaped my second board and have a few light dents on the rail because I need better racks. Damn board keeps sliding forwards when I am shaping the rails. Anyway, I have already airbrushed the thing. What if any problems would I have just glasing over the light dents? Thanks for the info surfdogz

Interesting, I just shaped my second board and have a few light dents on > the rail because I need better racks. Damn board keeps sliding forwards > when I am shaping the rails. Anyway, I have already airbrushed the thing. > What if any problems would I have just glasing over the light dents? > Thanks for the info surfdogz …Naw,you probably won’t notice them.Herb