Halcyon Xmas Fins

Hey Rich,

The fins made it here with time to spare. The wife loved them. We’ll be looking to test ride them after this snow passes by and I’ll let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.

Forgot to clip the photo to that last message.

beautiful works of art…

Wahoo are those for the Pescado? KP

beautiful work!


Halcyon made them for an 8’ Angulo OVO that my wife got a deal on in Hawaii and won’t part with. http://www.angulosurf.com It’s sold as a hybrid but for my wife at 110 lbs its like a long board so Rich made the fins to give her a more center fin dominant ride. He’ll have to pop in and give you the specs on the fins.


The fins in the photo attached by Waaahoo about are hand foiled – Lay ups are of 6oz E-Glass with Polyester.

The Center fin is 5.5" – “No Nonsense” template – 80/20 foil.

The rails are 4.5" – “Driftless” template. They are have double foiled leading edges, 80/20 overcambered side. High pressure side is undercambered and they are torsioned in the direction of laminar flow. Trailing edges are eased.

– looking forward to what Rhonda has to say about them … how they surf is what really counts –

Thanks for the kinds words, mates ~ looks aren’t everything but they sure help.

Mahalo, Rich

Hey Rich,

After convincing the Mrs. that the fins were not just for display she got a chance to use them today. The waves were very small and weakish shore break but even still she noticed a difference, referring to it as a feeling of being “locked in” to the wave as compared to her previous fins.

Will keep you updated.

Hey Waaahoo,

Thanks for the undate mate – glad they suit her fancy.

Sounds like she’s going to drive through some sections she couldn’t make before. Positive fin feel is good for building courage.

Get shot of Rhonda and her stick if you can when the waves get some good shape to them. Then she’ll get a better idea of what they’re good to do for her.

I’ll be very curious to know what she feels in how it paddles, catches waves or turns differently – and of course if she feels any difference in trim speed.

One thing sure her board will hold a nice high line easily with the set-up and her confidence should build as a result.

Happy New Year, Rich