.:: Halcyon ::.

Hi Rich. I was wondering if you have a 10" glass-on fin or any center fin for an egg shape. I’m about to shaped a 5’11’’ egg with a rounded pin tail and I’m looking for the perfect fin to finish it off. I had in mind the Wingnut Sweep fin; but I’m always up for experimenting with new fin outlines and foil concepts as well. Also, I have a template for a 9.5" noserider fin that I wanted you to make for me. Both fins, black and glass-ons. I live up in the San Francisco area and can come down anytime after December 19th. I have school finals. Let me know if you’re up for it and how much it would cost. Thank You. ---- Michael P.S. The egg will be 5’-11" x 17" x 20 1/2" x 16" x 2 3/4". 50/50 rails with a tucked under edge in the tail and slight vee bottom. It will be surfed in waist to head high reef and beach break type surf. My style is pretty casual and not too much lip bashing.

Hi Rich. I was wondering if you have a 10" glass-on fin or any center > fin for an egg shape. I’m about to shaped a 5’11’’ egg with a rounded pin > tail and I’m looking for the perfect fin to finish it off. I had in mind > the Wingnut Sweep fin; but I’m always up for experimenting with new fin > outlines and foil concepts as well. Also, I have a template for a > 9.5" noserider fin that I wanted you to make for me. Both fins, black > and glass-ons. I live up in the San Francisco area and can come down > anytime after December 19th. I have school finals. Let me know if you’re > up for it and how much it would cost. Thank You. ---- Michael>>> P.S. The egg will be 5’-11" x 17" x 20 1/2" x 16" x 2 > 3/4". 50/50 rails with a tucked under edge in the tail and slight vee > bottom. It will be surfed in waist to head high reef and beach break type > surf. My style is pretty casual and not too much lip bashing. Hi Michael, I screwed the last message up so I deleted it-- no way to edit here once you’ve posted. NP Sure I’m up for it. The only things that slows production down are work, surf and the weather. I’m glad to take the project on. Looks like a real quiet holiday for me. Glass-ons cost 15% less than box fins. Email me a and we’ll discuss the details. I have templates to share in attachments if you like and am glad to make whatever you decide on. The easiest and best way I’ve found to get a nice effect for all black is just to put a few carbon layers in the composite. I’ll look forward to hearing from you. Surf’s Up! Rich