
Just got the fin today…quite a progressive design. The first thing I noticed was the foil on it - nice work. Thanks, I’m stoked.

Just got the fin today…quite a progressive design. The first thing I > noticed was the foil on it - nice work. Thanks, I’m stoked. Hi Gregg, Glad the “fish foil” suits you and that it made it safe and sound. I hope it surfs progressive for you! Let me know how it works on your 8’6". That’s the one you gonna ride it in, right? Start with it a little further back than you think it should be. I think you find you’ll still be able to cut your turns just fine and it’ll hold nicely for you at trim speed. I’m anxious to get a performance report. Tell me some stories in an email after you get it good and wet. Have fun my friend! Mahalo, Rich