
I surfed Rincon today and although I caught only a few waves, had a pretty good session. On my way up the path to the parking lot, I saw a little kid (maybe 4 years old)holding on to his mom and dad with each hand as they struggled up the path. As I caught up to them, I noticed that the child had a scar on the back of his neck where it met his head. He was also wearing a surgical mask and had zero hair. I asked about his/her condition and if he had been in the hospital recently. It turns out the kid is rarely out of the hospital. He had a meningiocele where the brain or spinal cord is protruding out of the skull or spine that needed surgery - that explained the scar. He also has had numerous chemo-therapy treatments because he has Leukemia. He is soon to get what is supposed to be his last treatment at L.A. Children’s Hospital. I hope it is the treatment that cures him. I told him how tough he was and to hang in there… and to give 'em heck at the hospital. As I was getting out of my wetsuit, they walked by. Haley(?) was now being carried by his dad. As I looked up, he was looking over his dad’s shoulder at me and even though his face was covered by the mask, I could tell by his eyes that he was smiling as he waved at me. I smiled and waved back. A few steps later, he waved again. I waved back. And fought the tears on the drive home. Anybody know the kid?

I surfed Rincon today and although I caught only a few waves, had a pretty > good session.>>> On my way up the path to the parking lot, I saw a little kid (maybe 4 > years old)holding on to his mom and dad with each hand as they struggled > up the path. As I caught up to them, I noticed that the child had a scar > on the back of his neck where it met his head. He was also wearing a > surgical mask and had zero hair. I asked about his/her condition and if he > had been in the hospital recently. It turns out the kid is rarely out of > the hospital. He had a meningiocele where the brain or spinal cord is > protruding out of the skull or spine that needed surgery - that explained > the scar. He also has had numerous chemo-therapy treatments because he has > Leukemia. He is soon to get what is supposed to be his last treatment at > L.A. Children’s Hospital. I hope it is the treatment that cures him.>>> I told him how tough he was and to hang in there… and to give 'em heck > at the hospital. As I was getting out of my wetsuit, they walked by. > Haley(?) was now being carried by his dad. As I looked up, he was looking > over his dad’s shoulder at me and even though his face was covered by the > mask, I could tell by his eyes that he was smiling as he waved at me. I > smiled and waved back. A few steps later, he waved again. I waved back. > And fought the tears on the drive home.>>> Anybody know the kid? It’s nice to read such a story these days. it hits close to home for me as i lost my brother who was in a wheelchair most all his life but had more insight then anyone i ever knew. He always wanted to see me surf and only got to once i only wish we could have shared more. I have a feeling that kid will grow up to surf the con someday. I only hope he gets the respect he deserves… Your a good person to have told us such a story John Mellor… Thanks for being real… Rob

I surfed Rincon today and although I caught only a few waves, had a pretty > good session.>>> On my way up the path to the parking lot, I saw a little kid (maybe 4 > years old)holding on to his mom and dad with each hand as they struggled > up the path. As I caught up to them, I noticed that the child had a scar > on the back of his neck where it met his head. He was also wearing a > surgical mask and had zero hair. I asked about his/her condition and if he > had been in the hospital recently. It turns out the kid is rarely out of > the hospital. He had a meningiocele where the brain or spinal cord is > protruding out of the skull or spine that needed surgery - that explained > the scar. He also has had numerous chemo-therapy treatments because he has > Leukemia. He is soon to get what is supposed to be his last treatment at > L.A. Children’s Hospital. I hope it is the treatment that cures him.>>> I told him how tough he was and to hang in there… and to give 'em heck > at the hospital. As I was getting out of my wetsuit, they walked by. > Haley(?) was now being carried by his dad. As I looked up, he was looking > over his dad’s shoulder at me and even though his face was covered by the > mask, I could tell by his eyes that he was smiling as he waved at me. I > smiled and waved back. A few steps later, he waved again. I waved back. > And fought the tears on the drive home.>>> Anybody know the kid? Thanks for sharing this, John. It puts a lot of things into perspective.

Thanks, John

Thanks John ,I know what you do,and bless you for taking the time to watch over them.John is a true HERO in my book. …Bless it is he who sheperds the weak thru the valley of darkness.For he is truly his brother’s keeper,and the finder of lost children.Herb

…Bless it is he who sheperds the weak thru the valley of > darkness.For he is truly his brother’s keeper,and the finder of lost > children.Herb Because everything we say and do is the length and shadow of our own souls, our influence is determined by the quality of our being.–Dale Turner

Thanks for sharing John .I will say a prayer for Haley.

What is finished now? When married to the water Mountains become sand.

I surfed Rincon today and although I caught only a few waves, had a pretty > good session.>>> On my way up the path to the parking lot, I saw a little kid (maybe 4 > years old)holding on to his mom and dad with each hand as they struggled > up the path. As I caught up to them, I noticed that the child had a scar > on the back of his neck where it met his head. He was also wearing a > surgical mask and had zero hair. I asked about his/her condition and if he > had been in the hospital recently. It turns out the kid is rarely out of > the hospital. He had a meningiocele where the brain or spinal cord is > protruding out of the skull or spine that needed surgery - that explained > the scar. He also has had numerous chemo-therapy treatments because he has > Leukemia. He is soon to get what is supposed to be his last treatment at > L.A. Children’s Hospital. I hope it is the treatment that cures him.>>> I told him how tough he was and to hang in there… and to give 'em heck > at the hospital. As I was getting out of my wetsuit, they walked by. > Haley(?) was now being carried by his dad. As I looked up, he was looking > over his dad’s shoulder at me and even though his face was covered by the > mask, I could tell by his eyes that he was smiling as he waved at me. I > smiled and waved back. A few steps later, he waved again. I waved back. > And fought the tears on the drive home.>>> Anybody know the kid? Strong kid. If I were only half as strong as that kids parents and a 1/10 as strongt as him.

Thanks you guys for validating what I felt. Your responses are also overwhelming. I think the family lives in Santa Barbara and I thought it would be nice to see how he’s doing.