
Just curious, but what did you wind up doing to Gerry’s Skil??

Restored them, he was charged up to shape when he got them back. 

…I tried my best to not comment on this thread. I will try to see this clip.

Regarding Hitachi and Skill, J Phillips, who in my opinion, shapes to quality uses mostly the Hitachi and he makes plenty of long boards.

I use the F30s and the 20s and yes, as you say, the technique is somewhat different but the “shaping protocol” is the same, so if you just follow it, you will finish with a clean shape.

I bet that after I watch this clip I will have plenty to say about these guys and of course this fake industry.

Yes I bet you will.  Looking forward to you opinions.   Lowel

…hi McDing, I thought that was a shaping video clip but is a promotional clip…I cannot comment on this.


whats difference in technique between a skil and a hitachi?

anyone know of a vid examples to show the difference? 

Ive done 2 boards, both w a hitachi. 1st one w much guidance and went well. Second one left to my own devices and had a hell of a time getting clean consistent cuts, and sounds like the only thing I was doimg consistently was tipping the planer forward as you described. 

These shots have got to make the pros cringe…

They made me cringe, and I’m just about as far from a pro as you can get and still call yourself a (backyard) shaper.

It sucks the glass shop went out of business.only one around and good at it


So Tom; Why did they quit. Where were they located? Bay Area? Lost lease? Up here the Pot Growers have driven the price of shop/warehouse space up. There are two glassers up here in Oregon. One of them just lost his lease. Funny tho; Both are way over in the Valley in Portland. 2 1/2 hrs from the Coast.

After 50,000 shapes, the action of the front shoes make absolutely no difference.

The ability to easily adjust depth of cut is the real benefit to be useful in surfboard shaping.

The one drawback to the sliding shoe of the Skil is turning planer sideways too much and the rail slipping into the planer throat.

I love using my Hitachi, have a visiting shaper using my room with his Rockwell planer, the planer work is a disaster, I fixed one rail for him yesterday with my green machine

Strictly preference for me.  I have two Hitachi’s.  Just haven’t used them much the last ten years.  One is new.  used the other one for a couple of years on Maui.  I had my only Skil on the Mainland getting reworked by Pete.  They wouldn’t let me carry on when I went back to Maui so I left it behind.  Not gonna check baggage a Skil 100. An Oahu shaper Lost two coming back from Japan.

Not 100% sure but I think south San Francisco. Also not sure the reason for shutting done.

So im new here. Shaped my first board maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. About to do another (see resin swirl thread).

Shaping is somthing iv always wanted to get into. Love board design. Anyway, when i saw this article it was what made me finally pull the trigger and shape my first board. Not for any specific reason other than it reminded me “hey, i want to shape”. Thought the article and clip were ok. Ineresting enough to watch the whole thing. 


As far as glassing, when i told friends i was getting into shaping they all asked the same question. Whose going to glass it for you? Everyone was surprised i said me. Didn’t think much of it until reading this discussion about no one wanting to glass. Find that strange. It’s half of the fun. 

Pat Rawson had his Skil poached on a flight through Germany several years back.

almost as bad as the Miami freight handlers with ice picks stabbing bags from South America to see if cocaine was in bags

…how some one can pass a given country customs office with tools for working? Is beyond me but is not possible in almost all the countries INCLUDED USA (with people that have been stopped and sent get back home…)


Lol.  Half the fun huh?  We’ll see if you still say that when you’re half way thru the glass job.  But it is a good experience for anyone who wants to understand why Surfboards cost what they do.  I got pretty good at glassing on the Central Coast of Calif and on Maui a few years back.  Good enough to glass for others.  After laying off for ten plus years and only shaping;  my Glassing skills are pretty damned rusty.   The only thing about relearning is that I realize my mistake after the fact.   Like”Why did I do that”?

Yeah I think I would Fedex or UPS ahead of time.  Putting one in a bag and checking it to fly into Kahului wasn’t something I wanted to do.  I checked a set of surf racks on a flight over once.   When I picked them up they had been stripped of their hardware.  Baggage handlers needed them for a set of racks at home I assume.  So I never ship anything that isn’t boxed and I never check a Skil.

I’ll be flying to Kahului sometime in the fall, but I’ll send my Skil ahead via UPS.

Actually since there is no proper planers around europe… I enjoy the glassing more than the sanding :slight_smile: But that might be because of the XPS…


So +1 on half of the fun.


Also there is no glassing service in most of europe, so one has to do it anyway :slight_smile:

