
Valid point. On my up coming resin swirl i may end up hating the glassing. But on my first board i definitely enjoyed glassing just as much if not more than the foam mowing. Maybe because it starts to become a board and not just foam at that stage haha


I constantly make mistakes where, after the fact, I say, “I should have known that would happen.”

Before I engage in any project that I know will be problematic I try to assess what is going to go wrong and plan that into the situation with a plan B ready

yea, shame to see Murdey, a good guy and fine glasser (did a bunch of my boards when working for Coyler) get pushed out by his glass shop rent doubling…  

plenty stories from both Lopez and Coyler on their ongoing battle to attract and keep glassers…between surfboards, kiteboards and SUP’s, plenty of work up here for a glass shop…only unless willing to burn hours on pick-up and delivery, gotta do it near Portland and Hood River, as that’s where the vast majority of the work is…




So I overlooked it the first time I went thru the article;  Playland is the glass shop these boys used to glass their blanks.  SFO South San Francisco I think.

I don’t mind the glassing. Its the sanding that I don’t like. I just had two boards glassed by a relatively new shop here because I just didn’t feel like doing it myself. The first in over ten years. They did a really nice job, too. mike

I thought it was funny that they only shaped the boards then had them outsourced for glassing. It would have been better if they did the whole thing, I’m pretty sure they can.

I think anyone wanting to make a living off of surfboards should be glassers. Really good glassers are getting scarce. Reeves, Searfoss, and the other greats here are getting old. There’s going to be a void when they stop doing it.

When it comes to big production guys, its a whole diffrent story. But as a surfer, shaping his own boards, learning as you go, dialing in your designs, experimenting with what you think is cool, and starting from an idea/feeling and ending with a finished board… there’s somthing almost primal about it. Brings you back to the roots and soul of surfing. Seems this whole “handmade” thing had that at the core of its message. So i too find it strange they outsourced the glassing. Maybe i misread the message but to me it’s a bit contradicting