Hang on a few secs....

how do you score a manouevre like THIS ??

[ It really should be the ‘girl on the flying trapeze act’ at the circus, yeah ?]


[attachment…in more ways than one !!]


HAHA!! This is the type of stuff that goes down at bondi… normally when brittish backpackers and the japaneese tourists colide…recipe for disaster…



HAHA!! This is the type of stuff that goes down at bondi… normally when brittish backpackers and the japaneese tourists colide…recipe for disaster…


wow…reeaaalllly ???

I might move to Bondi then, and pose as a british backpacker…I never realised japanese girls had that much of …er… a grip on things…

…gee, I always wondered what I was doing wrong in the girl department…thanks for the tip , young Joshy boy !
