How do you hang vacum hoses so they don’t get in your way when planing up and down the board? Also, do you think it is necessary to have an air hose in a shaping room? Seems shapers use them to blow the dust off themselves and off the boards. Doesn’t the glasser blow them off(I don’t mean blowing you off telling you, “One more week guy and they will be ready.”) HERB, TOM???
I have my vaccum hose attatched to an overhead cable with a pulley that goes up and down the board with me as I shape. I leave just enough hose hanging down so the hose isn’t laying on the board. There’s a bungee cord from the overhead pulley that hooks on to the hose about 3 feet off the board to pick up any slack. I only use the vacuum when I’m doing production shaping. You NEED an air hose!! Not just for blowing yourself off, but to get all the foam and stringer particles off the board before your final fine sanding procedure. I like to leave a bit of the foam dust on the board from the fine sanding when I give it to the glasser; it keeps finger prints off the boards. I let the glasser blow it off really well while he’s prepping the laminating process. aloha
Same here on the hose hook-up as Tom’s.I use a LONG WALL PAPER BRUSH for dusty off the board between steps.I use air when i’m finished or for prepping for airbrush or glassing.Also you can cut up a wall paper brush and it makes a great hotcoating/glossing brush(one stroke per side).Herb.
I get most of it, but I am wondering how you control the slack that is created when you get to the end of the board where the vac is. I am trying to imagine the bungy in all this. I am trying to set up a situation where the hose always has a good tension to pull it the heck out of my way. You know at the gas pumps they have a spring loaded pulley pox that retracts the hose when you are done with the pump. I’d like to purchase a unit.
The vac hose moves up and down the board as you walk up and back via the pulley attatched to the cable. aloha
I get most of it, but I am wondering how you control the slack that is > created when you get to the end of the board where the vac is. I am trying > to imagine the bungy in all this. I am trying to set up a situation where > the hose always has a good tension to pull it the heck out of my way.>>> You know at the gas pumps they have a spring loaded pulley pox that > retracts the hose when you are done with the pump. I’d like to purchase a > unit. Does anyone have a really comforatable system set up for vacuum hoses retracting etc. Thanks Tom and Herb for your earlier help.
Just a thought, how about an eye bolt over the top of the work area, and a pulley close to workroom wall with a light weight nylon rope/cord attatched to maybe a 3 pound fishing weight to act as a counter balance?? The eye bolt would allow the rope/cord the ability to just slide through without binding where a pulley above the work area would bind the rope/cord up. Aloha, Old Longboarder