Hanley Surfboards???

Anyone here know about Hanley Custom Surfboards? Are they still in business and being shaped? Is Jim Hanley alive and well? I recently picked up a used 9’ Hanley singlefin pintail design and know nothing about it, other than it appears to be a solid older board. I can’t find a website for Hanley or contact info online. Anyone have any info on this and maybe an approx age? Thanks…


Sweet board.  Great condition.  Have heard the name, but don’t know a thing about the brand or shaper.  Will be just as interested as you in hearing the history.

Nice looking board , there is a Hanley sticker on the Stanleys web site but no info .

Jim Hanley is from Long Island and learned to shape under Charlie Bunger He later moved to the San Diego area where he shaped under his own name. Started in Ocean Beach, moved to SD proper around 1980. He was the only shaper associated with the label. A friend of mine had one of his boards in the early 70s and it was well made. The logo on your board was used beginning in the late 90s.

My Cousin Dano ran the OB surfshop in Ocean Beach.   Hanley was one of the brands they sold out of the shop in the 70’s. As a kid I had a few of these boards that my cousin would bro deal me.

I had good experiences with this brand…although they were all single fins at the time.   I think he’s still shaping.



I did some logo work for Jim back in the late 90’s & early 2000s.  Color separated the art for silkscreen printing and inkjet printed some on rice paper for him. At that time Jim was living at a house he owned on the bay side of Point Loma. I think he had a shaping room set up there. I believe he was getting his boards glassed at one of the shops behind 91x on the PCH. Jim is a really great all around surfboard craftsman. I’ve always been impressed with his work. I haven’t heard from Jim since 2001. I dont know if he’s still doing surfboards these days.


That is a really nice looking board in fact the outline could be used either way nose or tail

Thanks for everyones input. I could tell it was a quality made 20+ yr old board. I guess Jim Hanley will remain a mystery as to what and how he’s doing today…

Contact Bird at Birds Surf Shed. He always seems to have the 411 on everyone involved in San Diego surfing

Looks like he is on Facebook.  Hasn’t been active in a few.