Hansen Master, Bill your's?


Trying to ID this board and hoping Bill T. can chime in on his knowledge? Actually, really hoping he shaped.


Also going to post another that I had for years, for more help.

If my eyes are not lying to me, the letter designator appears to be a ‘’ B ‘’, and if so then the board was shaped by Duane Brown, circa May/June 1965. according to the number. Duane, now deceased, was a consummate craftsman. In his spare time, he built a 42 foot Rudy Choy Catamaran, in his backyard. Duane later left Hansen, to be the exclusive shaper of Surfboards Hawaii Model A’s. Which really pissed off Don Hansen, at the time. You have an impressive example of surfboards of that era. Great condition, according to the photo’s. My letter designator, was the letter ‘’ T ‘’.

“Brown” boards were the hot item around same time “Sweet” boards were it. If my memory is correct he had a all girl crew on the boat…

Your memory is correct.

Don’t wanna high jack this but…

Wanna give me a run down on this one?

It’s one of yours (unless there was someone else using the T at some point)

I am assuming it’s a Hansen fin (only based on my understating - you leaving in 69 and not using other fins while you were there)

It’s a bolt through the deck.


And the board number is…? The fin system is Hansen’s in house system. The fin system went into service in 1967. The board number will help nail down the year.

Is that a 3/4 center stringer?

Yes it is.

Don’t have a number but I’ll try to track it down.

It seems th dark color on the deck may be a repair and the pin lines added later. The dark seems to creep beyond the pin lines.

Believe it or not, the pin lines are original to the board. They were SOP, during that time period. They were most likely done by a talented glosser named David Burnham. It is a colored layup, with a knee patch, hence the darker color. Note the rails too. That may have been a custom/employee board.