Happy Easter

thanks woodie and naci

for the rest of you guys of whom seem offended,,,

I wasnt trying to convert you.

Just throwing it out there


happy easter kensurf!

Your post was not at all out of place

Amazing Resurrection Sunday.  I believe Jesus was the Paschal lamb perfect and slain for our sins, and if you look closely into the passover ritual you  it makes sense that the middle matzo, broken and hidden is a representation of Jesus. Where it gets weird is Easter, comes from Istar, who was a fertility goddess, thus the emphasis on eggs and bunnies, In the Northern Hemisphere it coincides with the vernal greening of Spring.  Strange stuff, but a Messiah who died for our sin, so we can attain eternal life through his sacrifice and through the shedding of his blood is something I am thankful for.  Anyways Jesus is Lord.  Thing is I looked into it for myself, and that’s the challenge I submit to you.

Hope you had a happy Easter Ken and everyone else.  I didn’t go to church, but thought about Jesus on the way to the beach.  He’s worth considering even if you are not a Christian.  You might just look for and consider the bottom line message and try to live up to it.  It’s not easy.  Consider Martin Luther King and Ghandi, too.  Mike

thanks guys

Happy Easter to all

I’m no fan of zealots or Jesus freaks.

Messiah or not, he dedicated his life to helping others, even the societal outcasts.  He taught the philosophy of compassion and died for it.

Certainly worthy of a thought.

Happy Easter Ken.

Happy Easter to all my Swaylock's brothers and sisters.

And Happy Day to all non belivers or otherwise....Mr and Mrs Stingray had a wonderful day today.


there's no easter bunny ????????


he shines within me.

i know this,amen.



Easter has passed on but It tasted pretty good and I did score some good ones. Keep up the stoke Ben!! The swell hit 6-7ft @19sec. When It gets overhead you have to call a friend if you don’t want to surf alone at the beach even in this large city. Pretty surfed out after 3days of no wind, in the spring this is very rare. I may have to start using the 150yrds of 2oz & 4oz  glass that just got dropped at my door.


I don’t know you or you me,

But thank you for thinking of me,

Even though I was at work

For once it was peaceful,

and I was blissfull,

It even extended to today,



Happy ,Merry, Easter to all

Das the Easterbunny!!

I missed the Hunky Jesus contest in the park.  http://blogs.sfweekly.com/exhibitionist/2012/04/photos_the_sisters_of_perpetua.php

Hickey is around but the only locals out were these guys and a few guys with sub 6’ boards not making the paddle out.

I am a Taraval<===>Lavarat guy.


oh YEAH taraval guys!

bitchin when you have

your own street car

and turn around

too bad the tunnel

is not functional no more,

scary smelly and a dramatic

passage to the beach like

watching a movie screen

and the acoustix were way

way out there…Viva WPA!


oh yes lavarat.

I stand illuminated.

thanx for the flash


Robbie Crawford, an amazing water photographer on 'Facebook' , said it for me , with THIS ...


" I'm not a church goer.. but I do love to attend a good Sunrise Service.. feeling close to God ♥ "



(...the sunrise part I DEFINATELY relate to ! )

 And of course , depending which way your coast faces , THIS could also be a sunrise , or sunset, photo ...this is the sort of  " light at the end of the tunnel "  that  I  LOVE !


 cheers !
