Rich got hemorrhoids from playing both Surfwreck and Acme.
If I could only remember everything I over heard my dad telling my mom about the overseas thing and FCS trash, and that they all deserve what they get, or get what they desert.Yes, he said something about it will always come back to bite the dog’s, chase the balls?? “FCS” the kids up the street said it stands for “Fu#% Chinese Surfboards” The poodle bites, he says “come-on Frenchy”
If I could only remember everything I over heard my dad telling my mom > about the overseas thing and FCS trash, and that they all deserve what > they get, or get what they desert.Yes, he said something about it will > always come back to bite the dog’s, chase the balls?? “FCS” the > kids up the street said it stands for “Fu#% Chinese Surfboards” > The poodle bites, he says “come-on Frenchy” Dale , you must be up , it’s still early.
Dale , you must be up , it’s still early. Yeah, it
s Saturday in Australia, and I keep thinking that I
m going to miss something… Dale
Soul? Was he so clueless he thought these turds were made in Santa Cruz?
Soul? Was he so clueless he thought these turds were made in Santa Cruz? I thought Randy French and the gang had a factory in the redwoods somewhere? Little did I know!
I was really upset when I found out the Surftec boards were made in China by slave labor. I never thought that anyone who loved surfboards could stoop to that. The next thing Randy French will do is tell me there is no Santa or Easter Bunny. My feeling is that if you want to make some serious money, you do not look in the surfBOARD industry. So much energy for so little money. Leave surfboard building to the people who love boards. Go make your millions on something else; you’d be a lot better off. aloha, tom
If all of you self styled fat ass “soul surfers” want someone to blame, blame Grubby Clark. Surfboards haven’t progressed in the past thirty years, at least Randy French is trying to move the industry forward. Maybe you don’t like the direction that he’s moving it, but building surfboards in your garage using tired old shapes that never worked and claiming they’re revolutionary isn’t going to change things for the better. We need better materials that will make a board that lasts longer. A 14 year old kid can’t afford a $400 surfboard every year, we need a cheaper more durable alternative. Cheers to Randy French.
If all of you self styled fat ass “soul surfers” want someone to > blame, blame Grubby Clark. Surfboards haven’t progressed in the past > thirty years, at least Randy French is trying to move the industry > forward. Maybe you don’t like the direction that he’s moving it, but > building surfboards in your garage using tired old shapes that never > worked and claiming they’re revolutionary isn’t going to change things for > the better. We need better materials that will make a board that lasts > longer. A 14 year old kid can’t afford a $400 surfboard every year, we > need a cheaper more durable alternative. Cheers to Randy French. So what’s your contribution?
If you insist on thinking that surfboards have not progressed in the past 30 years you obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about. Surfing is about having fun! And like I tell the guys doing their first shapes, it is not so important to sweat the small details on their first boards, it takes time to hone the eye and the hands, what is important is how it rides. Some of us happen to get joy not only from the ride but from the experience designing, shaping, and building boards, some of which work great and some of which turn out not so great. Due to the infinate number of variable in surfboard design it makes sense to resurrect old design ideas, sometimes it pays off. While you can’t blame RF for trying, his product isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…>>> If all of you self styled fat ass “soul surfers” want someone to > blame, blame Grubby Clark. Surfboards haven’t progressed in the past > thirty years, at least Randy French is trying to move the industry > forward. Maybe you don’t like the direction that he’s moving it, but > building surfboards in your garage using tired old shapes that never > worked and claiming they’re revolutionary isn’t going to change things for > the better. We need better materials that will make a board that lasts > longer. A 14 year old kid can’t afford a $400 surfboard every year, we > need a cheaper more durable alternative. Cheers to Randy French.
To Capitalist, Randy French has done zero in regards to surfboard design. The boards are strictly copies of current designs. I MUST ADMIT MY HAT IS OFF TO HIM FOR TRYING TO UPDATE MATERIALS. I’ve seen pop out board companies since the 60’s and have not seen one survive yet. Pro surfing dictates board design. Until a World Champ rides a Bonzer or a Surftec,etc. we’re not going to see a lot of change in current design or materials. Our current hybrid designs are the answer for people who can’t ride “Pro” boards. The fact that more people are starting to ride twins and singles again show that we actually ARE going in circles with design. I wish I had the next design breakthrough but I don’t. We’ve taken what we have to work with and made it short, long, narrow, wide,flat, thin, thick, lots of concave,etc,et. We’ve used up all the variables. As for foam and glass, if you add up all the pros and cons, it’s not a terrible combination, plus a new custom board looks SO DAMN NICE!! aloha, tom
If all of you self styled fat ass “soul surfers” want someone to > blame, blame Grubby Clark. Surfboards haven’t progressed in the past > thirty years, at least Randy French is trying to move the industry > forward. Maybe you don’t like the direction that he’s moving it, but > building surfboards in your garage using tired old shapes that never > worked and claiming they’re revolutionary isn’t going to change things for > the better. We need better materials that will make a board that lasts > longer. A 14 year old kid can’t afford a $400 surfboard every year, we > need a cheaper more durable alternative. Cheers to Randy French. Wait, surfboards that never worked? How ever did I win the US Championship 3 times and 400 dollars for a board every year, what’s that problem, a dollar a day! In 1958 I worked my paper route to buy my first sailboat, 400 bucks, that’s 4000.00 today. That same 14 year old kid will pay 400 bucks for an ounce of krip though! On the fact that Randy has developed a new way is fine, I had even wanted to add these to my line (I can’t afford to), how about making them in the good old US of A. The modern surfboard is an American Californian invention.
Surftech will probably never effect anyone here. Keep on doing what you are doing. I’m sure Randy will keep advancing things. He has already improved on what he has started. Surftech is in a state of the art facility in Thailand , not China. Big difference. Surftech is just a wee small part of that factory (350,000 sq.'). Although those employees are paid much less than in the U.S.A. , they are paid better than most over there. I would never think you guys would stop designing new things , but one might have a place for some high performer by R. Yater or R. French. Just ask the Hawaiian rippers who do.
If all of you self styled fat ass “soul surfers” want someone to > blame, blame Grubby Clark. Surfboards haven’t progressed in the past > thirty years, at least Randy French is trying to move the industry > forward. Maybe you don’t like the direction that he’s moving it, but > building surfboards in your garage using tired old shapes that never > worked and claiming they’re revolutionary isn’t going to change things for > the better. We need better materials that will make a board that lasts > longer. A 14 year old kid can’t afford a $400 surfboard every year, we > need a cheaper more durable alternative. Cheers to Randy French. I wouldn’t say his boards, design wise, are anything earthshattering new and groundbreaking-in fact take a look at his inventory-Velzy,Yater,Jones,Takayama,etc.All masters and all submitting classic old, tried and true designsie, nothing “new”.As for their drability? They ding and break like any other board plus they don’t feel as lively or sensitive as foam.
If all of you self styled fat ass “soul surfers” want someone to > blame, blame Grubby Clark. Surfboards haven’t progressed in the past > thirty years, at least Randy French is trying to move the industry > forward. Maybe you don’t like the direction that he’s moving it, but > building surfboards in your garage using tired old shapes that never > worked and claiming they’re revolutionary isn’t going to change things for > the better. We need better materials that will make a board that lasts > longer. A 14 year old kid can’t afford a $400 surfboard every year, we > need a cheaper more durable alternative. Cheers to Randy French. But why blame Grubby? If someone wants to buy a Surftech its their choice. If they like it cool. I actually had one of the earlier French wood veneer shapes, it rode quite well in fact. If I didnt shape my own boards Id probably even buy one of those Sams Club specials. A friend of mine actually really likes his. For myself, I’m gonna keep whittlin away on a Clark blank until something better comes along. Keep on shaping tired old shapes that WORK!!! for me anyway.
I think that is obvious that the problem isn’t what Randy has done, the problem is the way (and where) he’s doing it. We rich people from rich countries can’t continue to try to get money from the work of poor people from poor countries and as Jim said this little kids from Asia aren’t the best manufacturers, for sure… The same idea could work better (or just “cleaner and nicer”) if the boards would be made in USA, with people like you and your buddies as manufacturers. Good waves, Coque.