If you can believe it, I have. Yesterday. I saw one in a kiteboarding shop. It belonged to the owner’s son and I took it for a spin in the parking lot while wearing my suit and tie for work. People were tripping out on me. The board felt like a surftech, it was light weight. It didn’t seem to durable. It also had a textured type deck instead of grip tape. The trucks were odd. They had totating swivel mechanism that allowed me to ‘pump’ the board and generate speed without kicking with my foot. I could ride it up hills pretty easily without putting my foot on the ground. as you probably know, this is called gyrating. I have a carver laird model designed to do this which I felt works better for that purpose, but the fish was a cool little skateboard for sure!
totally off subject (kind of), but i just taught my self how to pump on my beach cruiser. A slight push and i can gain a good amount of speed. I just push out of each turn without pedalling. Harder than it sounds. And looks pretty funny. Good thing to learn incase your chain breaks!
No but I have seen a video by concrete wave called Evolutions 2 w/ those boards in them they’re supposedly surfboard foam and probably epoxy and those trucks are called Revenge trucks and thet’re supposed to turn pretty good and not het wheel bite