has ne one ever tried this?

I was thinking that I was gonna strip and old board re shape it into a mini longboard. This might sound kinda crazy but i was thinking to try and make it a nose riding short board with concave in the nose. has ne one thought about this or ever tried it, cause it would be really cool to snap and right after hang five.

spring 1969…ambrose… make a 4’3’‘- 3’5’’ and snap while hanging five

Gary Walden is making one. Looks like a half a longboard, but I’ve heard they work pretty good. Doug

Actually, there are quite a few funboards around with noseriding noses, short lengths, and stable fin systems.

Still, it’s hard to do exactly what you say…a strong bottom turn, fully laid out dragging forearms, then somehow mystically levitating to the nose by cross stepin before the board goes over the back of the wave.

It looks lame to walk around on a short board, because the stability isn’t there, and the early wave catching is lost.

But sure, go for it, as it would be cool to try.

Seems most surfers like either nose riding smooth style, or radical bottom turns/ otLip combos, and never shall the twain meet…

6’ x 18" n x 22" x 17"t x 12" pod. single fin. get en over and then take a step back and do a cutback. you get niether the advantages of a longboard or shortboard but a whole new feeling. get into waves earlier, and just cruise, turns here or noserides there, ive even gotten a good coffin ride on mine. best shortboard in my opinion for 1-2 foot surf. theres no need to worry about generating speed, just trim.

For most waves around here, a 6’ x 22 wide board doesn’t catch waves any better than a 6’ x 18.5" wide board FOR ME.

The key to catching waves seems to be rocker line…flatter rockerlines catch slow, mushy waves easier than more rockered boards.

But in steep hollow waves, more rockered boards make surfing easier once the wave is caught!

Rode a 5’ 6" x 22 Lis fish last year, and it caught waves about the same as a 6’9" x 18.5 round pin…but that was Cojo, a slow moving almond eye shaped wave, not something fast and pitching.

Once headed down the line, anything works fine there…about head high sizing, with sets just overhead.